View Full Version : Solved VB 4.1.4 and vbet 4.2.3 - mess

15-06-11, 15:37
Just upgraded to Vbet 4.3.0 and have lots of problems with the editor page 'reply to thread', 'edit post', 'go advanced' when switching to any language other forum default. The page is messed up and there appears to be english and the other language mixed together on the buttons.

I tried to upload an attachment so that the problem can be viewed here but it fails no matter what I do.

15-06-11, 16:07
Very odd. This only seems to happen on my admin account. I tested a couple of alias accounts and they are fine....

15-06-11, 16:19
I checked it using account data you PM and I found no issue. Please describe exactly step by step how to reproduce it on your forum.

15-06-11, 16:29
Yes, the problem seems only to affect admin accounts. Please check your PM


15-06-11, 16:48
Checked again and found only one issue - when I'm on translated page and have some quick reply, then after going to advanced I see translated content. We can reproduce it on our forum so we will take care about it.

Still I found no issue with 'edit post' or 'reply to thread'. Please give exact instructions how to reproduce it - step by step, from with account, starting from which URL.

Please clean our test messages in /forum/f6/sidecap-good-bad-5103/

15-06-11, 16:53
Thanks Michal.

I'll give precise steps on how to reproduce in a couple of minutes

15-06-11, 17:01
If you log in using the dummy admin account I sent and then do the following you should see what I mean:

open any thread
click on 'reply to thread' and then 'go advanced' - the css is okay.

Change language to any other language by clicking on the flags below the navbar
open any thread
click on 'reply to thread' and then 'go advanced' - the css is messed up (particularly below the ckeditor box)

15-06-11, 18:08
I do not see it. But you didn't give EXACT instructions. Which thread you are answering - it can matter. You didn't tell to which language should I switch. EXACT means exact - there is no room for word 'any'. Maybe you have some issue with wrong translation results cached or something like that. Then I will not see what you see being in other thread and other language.

15-06-11, 19:06
I was exact :)

it happens only on admin accounts

it happens on all threads

it happens regardless of the language you have set in your usercp

it happens regardless of which flag you click on beneath the navbar

I see the same problem if I log in using the dummy account I gave you. I set yours to polish so you won't see any problems until you click on one of the flags (not the polish flag obviously) beneath the navbar and then view a thread, click on reply, then on go advanced.

16-06-11, 01:52
I was exact :)
it happens regardless of which flag you click on beneath the navbar

I set yours to polish so you won't see any problems until you click on one of the flags (not the polish flag obviously)

And that is the thing - I was checking Polish :p As you see - nothing is obvious... Especially when you write in same post that it happens for all translations and obviously not for Polish translation ;)

I have 3 at night right now, so I will check it again later. Hope it is OK for you :)

16-06-11, 08:21
I was there right now, but access data for admin fake account you created is not working anymore.

16-06-11, 10:21
And that is the thing - I was checking Polish :p As you see - nothing is obvious... Especially when you write in same post that it happens for all translations and obviously not for Polish translation ;)

I have 3 at night right now, so I will check it again later. Hope it is OK for you :)


PM is on the way with new fake admin

16-06-11, 16:19
I just chcked it again. I compared carefully not translated newreply.php with translated newreply.php and I found no css issue...

I really do not see the issue. Maybe I do not know where to look. Please give EXACT instructions. Step by step. Without words like 'ANY'. Just give exact thread to start, exact translation to go to, exact value to write in quick reply, before switching to advanced one. And describe what you see wrong then - after switching.

16-06-11, 21:46
:) If I could just upload a couple of pictures...

Believe me, I am being exact. The problem is visible for me in all threads - it doesn't matter which one you click on.

Same with the language flags beneath the navbar. It doesn't matter which one you select.

Let's go:

Your default language is set to Polish in the usercp of the dummy admin account so when you log in you will be viewing forum/pl/

Go to forumhome and click on any thread.

Click on 'edit post' of any post

Click on 'go advanced'

You should see no problems at any stage.


click on any flag beneath the navbar (not the polish flag obviously :) )

Go to forumhome and click on any thread.

Click on 'edit post' of any post (you will see the mess beginning...)

Click on 'go advanced' to see a full-blown mess.


You can perform the same trick by replying to a thread and then 'go advanced'

16-06-11, 22:18
I obviously do not see what you mean... But I found out that you have turned on option which shows Google requests and waiting time - this modifies results only for administrators (adding info about translate connections in front of whole response data), so maybe this is the cause. Please check your results with turned off option Translation response time.

If still happens then please mail me some screen shots with pointed areas which are wrong. I just compared each part of result page with Polish and Italian translation and I see no difference in layout. Did you fallow your own instructions on account you made for us?

Also one more thing which can be here the most important - which browser did you use? As I said we need EXACT instructions. We need to know every step you did. From the very beginning - so you open browser X...
Also Instructions you gave right now are not able to fallow… I must guest what you mean.
1. There is no any link named "forumhome " in Polish translation (note that you assumed that I'm there). Which one do you mean? This one which is named "Home" in English version or "Forum". If "Forum" – what for - you wrote I'm starting at /forum/pl…
2. After last step in 1st section I cannot made first step in 2nd section, because there are no flags displayed...

About "you will see the mess beginning" – what do you mean? If you mean that content in editor is already translated (not original text), then this issue is known and already corrected in vBET4.4.0 (see here for info about this issue: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/vbet4-general-discussions/1957-vbet-ckeditor-4-1-4-a.html#post9003). If it is about something else then again I do not know what it is about…

Please note that in many cases description you gave would be enough first time. Still in case when we have issue to see what customer mean and we cannot reproduce then we must know exact things he is doing. Please provide us pictures - maybe we are looking at the issue but miss it. If we will see something else that on pictures then I will have to ask you again for instructions, but very EXACT. Without any shortcuts. Exactly where you go, which link clicked (by actually visible link name – on each translation the name will be different). But maybe it is just one browser issue, so please give us name of browser you was checking. We was using Opera for this.

16-06-11, 22:34

No still the same. If you go to your usercp and set a new default language (any language) and then save. What do you see? You will know what I mean by 'mess' when you see it. It's very obvious. Use Firefox. Use IE - worse

16-06-11, 22:43
Right now I'm on page /forum/pl/usercp.php did not made ANY change and cannot, because there are no translations results - half of texts are missing. This looks like you have Google connection issue. This what is already displayed is simply already cached and rest cannot be translated because of Google connection issue.

Please upload googletest.php from vBET package (in /do-not-upload/tools directory) to your domain main directory. Go to browser, write url YOUR_DOMAIN/googletest.php and tell do you see any errors.

This is why I wrote you to give EXACT links where to go - I was not able to see this issue on already cached results if it is really Google connection issue and it looks like.

Please tell what are the results of Google test. Also we will check it ourselves when you will have it already on your server.

16-06-11, 22:49
Starting translation test
Test result: {"responseData": {"translatedText":"powitanie"}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200}
Test error:
Connection time (ms): 47.6909179688

'Exact' is exact only when the problem is apparent. I just loaded the forum in IE and it has major issues which it didn't have a couple of hours ago. The problems I described to you during the day were happening as I described them. I was exact...

16-06-11, 22:54
At the moment the problem with the page layout being messed up is being caused by changing your default language to any other. You will see what I mean if you do that with the dummy account. Go to your usercp and change your default language. Save that setting. What does your usercp page look like? Change your default langiage back to Polish and save. Exit usercp and go to the forum listings. Click on the spanish flag. Go to any post and try to edit it. You'll see what I mean.

16-06-11, 23:33
You miss one important information - I wasn't able to change user default language, because translation testx was missing - there was no links for it.

You had broken cache. I just turned off database cache and User CP page looks nice now. I turned it on again and it is nice. I just cleaned whole your cache to be sure that it is not cache issue.

Please check do you still see the issue you describe. If yes then please go to Admin CP -> vBET Cache -> Database Cache and temporarily disable cache. Check do you still see issue with cache disabled. Turn cache on again.

According to googletest.php you do not have any connection issues now.

After cleaning cache I evaluated your instructions under Opera browser (version 11.11):
- From User CP I changed user default language form Polish to German. Page looks nice and is in German translation.
- And then again changed to Polish - still nice and in Polish translation.
- Went to forum listing in Polish translation by clicking link Forum near link Dom.
- Switched to Spanish (by clicking flag).
- Then went to thread /forum/es/f6/sidecap-bueno-o-malo-5103/#post37724 (title: SideCap, bueno o malo??)
- And clicked option for edit post (on last post). I see one issue: text is translated in ajax editor (as I described before it is already solved in 4.4.0), but layout is OK - no css issue.
- Then went to Advanced by clicking button in ajax editor and also do not see any issue with CSS.

PLEASE - respond to this post: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/vbet4-troubleshooting/1969-vb-4-1-4-vbet-4-2-3-mess-2.html#post9017
Send us pictures. Tell which browser did you usd...

There is no sense for us to make it again and again... When truly we do not know what you are doing and you still didn't fallow our instructions and didn't gave us exact instructions. So we did it opposite way - we gave you exact steps we made. We made it in Opera. And we found no CSS issue. We even compared page to not translated page to be sure that it looks like it should be and booth pages looks the same (different texts of course). So now you can do those steps being logged in on account you gave us, on Opera browser and send us screen shot with description what is wrong there. Because we do not see it :( And we really would like to see it, correct and close :)

16-06-11, 23:51
So you never saw any style issues apart from one small error (....text is translated in ajax editor (as I described before it is already solved in 4.4.0 but layout is OK - no css issue.)? I find that difficult to believe. I saw them in Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE and FF. I looked at this for hours before starting the thread.

You haven't said whether you were able to reproduce the symptoms I described. Did you follow my steps in post 19?

16-06-11, 23:59
Got to go now but all looks to be working again. I'll monitor the situation with the cache through the day tomorrow (today).

Many thanks for the time you put into this this evening M. Excellent support as usual and very much appreciated! :)

17-06-11, 00:23
So you never saw any style issues apart from one small error (....text is translated in ajax editor (as I described before it is already solved in 4.4.0 but layout is OK - no css issue.)? I find that difficult to believe. I saw them in Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE and FF. I looked at this for hours before starting the thread.

You haven't said whether you were able to reproduce the symptoms I described. Did you follow my steps in post 19?.
It is not hard to believe at all - it was enough that I went to thread which was already cached (and I believe issue with was with broken cache). So this way I saw everything as it suppose to be.

Honestly - what would I have the purpose to make myself 10 times more job?... ;) The support is free - my job is here to solve issue as fast as possible. No one paid me for doing ti 10 times longer ;) It is simple - I didn't saw any issue. Please take it as fact.

17-06-11, 00:31
Got to go now but all looks to be working again. I'll monitor the situation with the cache through the day tomorrow (today).

Many thanks for the time you put into this this evening M. Excellent support as usual and very much appreciated! :)

Great - I assume that cleaning cache solved the issue. I do not know why cache was broken. If it happen again then we will check why it could happen - now lets just assume that it was broken before you updated to 4.3.0.

You do not have to monitor cache all the time. vBET 4.3.0 should not cache results which went with error from Google. Even if it happen, then most probably users will note it to you and we will handle this. Of course it is wise to check it once or twice in short time :)

At this moment issue considered solved. If it happen again please just write here and we will reopen.

Also please update to vBET 4.4.0 if you want to avoid 3 issues with vBulletin 4.1.4 new ckeditor (all described in vBET 4.4.0 release notes (http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/vbet-announcements/1972-vbet-4-4-0-released.html#post9013)). vBET 4.3.0 was released before vBulletin 4.1.4 and it is not fully compatible with new editor. vBET 4.4.0 is (as we know at this moment ;))

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