please, just read a previous post and answer here. It is necessary.
please, just read a previous post and answer here. It is necessary.
I'm on your forum and I'm not able to reproduce the issue. Please tell does it still happens. Also - according to logs which you PM me it looked like you had updated product file, but vbulletin php files was old (existing function was not visible). It could be server cache issue (not vBET cache) - where new files was not visible and server was still using old files. So that could be the reason.
Shortly: I cannot reproduce it on your forum - can you? Does it still happen or not? If yes - please describe precisely how I can reproduce it on your forum.
This is a tricky one. It happens randomly. So I also don't know when it will happen or not. However in the time VBET was disabled it did not happen at all. I will get back to you if I can get some more info.
Did you notice this issue again or not? I was on your forum and I made many posts and I have not found this issue. Can you confirm it?