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Thread: Translation works on CMS page but not in CMS article

  1. #11


    [UPDATED] The steps we took to return to normal operation were to upgrade vBulletin from 4.0.7 to 4.1.7 (all translations began to work immediately after that effort was complete) and upgrade vBSEO from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0 and we did not touch your installation of vBET so clearly the issue we were experiencing, though the coincidence in timing was odd, was not vBET. vBET still remains a hero in my heart, even if my sleep-deprived mind had lost hope for a moment. I am, once again, a great fan.
    Last edited by brubros; 09-10-11 at 01:23.

  2. #12


    Everything works now. It required a clean install of everything. vBET runs beautifully. You have my permission to delete this sleeplessly written note.

  3. #13
    MichaƂ Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I checked your forum and I do not see the issue.

    I just checked URL: YOUR_DOMAIN/forum/content/october-24-2008-usa-apple-says-gay-marriage-civil-rights-issue-not-political-issue-6361/ and its translation to Polish as guest - page generates. Where do you see the issue? Please give EXACT URL where you see that issue happens.

    Please remember that I noticed you that you had issue like that earlier and that was related to your server cloud. Most probably here it is same issue. It is not related to vBET - you can check it easily because:
    1. You are writing that not translated pages are not generated.
    2. You can disable vBET and check does it changes anything.
    3. See included link to image

    I see the page is generated and you don't - just like before I noted you that I do not see it and you saw it. So I bet now you have same reason - solve it same as you solve it before. It is not vBET issue. Pages are working well for me (as guest) proof:

    So before you take any actions please think does it has any sense. Most probably it is not software issue but your infrastructure issue.

    Please tell do you need any more help here
    Last edited by vBET; 09-10-11 at 00:11.

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