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Thread: Vbulleting 4.7 + VBSEO 3.6

  1. #21
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by techanalyst View Post
    vbnotifications boxes are really messed up as well
    Please open new thread for new issue and describe exactly the issue (send exact URL where we can see it, if it requires account then PM us access to test account).

  2. #22


    Its a dedicated server, there is no browser method of uploads, I ssh to the box locally and then ftp to my ftp server

  3. #23
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by techanalyst View Post
    Czech works, most just stay in english format though
    Please open new thread for new issue. Shortly here - please check your providers availability (Admin CP -> vBET -> Translation Providers Availability). Providers set limits and if translation provider refuses to send you translation then vBET have no translation to display and displays original text. Please note that vBET caches translations so when already cached it will be displayed even when your limit was reached and provider do not send new translations (please note that limits are periodically not permanent). Also please note that vBET periodically check does provider is available again Also please note that when you use Google v2 API you can set your own limits.
    If you need more help with this issue please open new thread for it and we will give you more info - here is not place for it, because this thread is about broken links.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by vBET View Post
    You cannot do just one change and expect it will work appropriately. You must do WHOLE integration you must fallow ALL integration steps - not just one. Please send us URL which changes after integration and access details so we can check what is going on there.

    Just before you wrote that you made only one integration step. Here in one sentence you are writing that you made it all and that you will not make it all. So how it really is? Did you make the integration with vbseo or not? Also what stops you to do this - you wrote that you cannot make changes - please check do you have appropriate privileges to files you want to change. If it is not privileges thing please describe why you cannot do those changes - what stops you in progress?

    First change in vault viki is needed for integration only in one special case - if you do not fit there you will not have to change any vault viki files. Also even then you do not have to do it - you can just ignore vault viki in vBET. Please note that this mod requires any integration because vault viki breaks vBulletin architecture - so please address all complains to team which develops vault viki.
    Second - what is annoying and what is not is personal thing. Sun can be annoying for you if you decide so. Please note that our role here is to support you in vBET, we are not doing here any coaching, personal changes nor psychotherapy. We are not here to work with your emotions - please focus on vBET issues so we can help you. I understand that for you it is annoying - now please lets focus on issue. To ignore pages for translation in vBET please use option Admin CP -> vBET -> Translation Options -> Ignore URLs. You will find there description how to use it. If you decide to integrate with viki vault then please fallow those instructions: Please note that those instructions are publically available so you had all those information available before.

    What are you wiring about? Please point exactly plugins which you think will require code changes and why do you think that it will be needed. You was already informed that only integration which is obligatory is for vbseo if it is used. For most mods there is no required any integration at all. Only those mods which breaks vBulletin architecture can require integration (please complain to mods authors about wrong solutions) and it is also not obligatory - you can just add it to vBET ignored pages. So please point exactly which mods makes you troubles with vBET. Also please note that you can work on test instance so your real forum is unharmed for time of your tests.

    Please note that you was not accused about anything. You was asked to check it again, also you got my impression based on your statements - like just before you wrote again about some mysterious +20 mods where you will have to mad changes, when you was already informed that it will not be needed probably to most of those if to any. It is clearly described:

    It is available here:
    And I really still have impression that you didn't read integration instructions, because you repeat again about changing code in all your mods what will not happen.
    Please take my apologies if it touched you - still this is my impression and I'm even now not sure that you really read it, perhaps we booth have something else in our mind when writing about integration instructions.
    We need confirmation that everything was done appropriately (which I'm not sure at all, because you wrote that you made only one step, then that all and in same sentence that you cannot do it all...) before we go to user server. So please confirm that you made whole vbseo integration. Also give exact information about your issue with changed URL (exact URL before, after and access details so we can check the changes).

    PC Gaming | PC Gamers & Steam Gaming - For english, now remains the same as to not break links, as I CANNOT USE the 301 redirects due to CDN CName conflicts
    PC hry | hraní her na PC a herní Steam (česky) - Seems to work, vbnotification shows a bunch of weird code
    PC Gaming | PC Gamers & Steam Gaming (Greek) - Stays English

    VBSEO changes - Some steps conflict with specific settings on my Mod Re-writes, Im not replacing vbseo code, VBSEO works perfect atm, im not changing their code, period, doesnt make any sense to me having to require to change code in an app that works, I shouldnt not have to manipulate the code, what happens when I have someone upgrade or apply a patch to that software? I have to go back and do these steps, with all my current plugins I have no need to do any of this.

    WikiVault - Has never caused me an issue

  5. #25
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2011


    The vbseo code changes are essential. Without them, and there are only two of them (and a couple of changes to settings in your vbseo cp), Vbet won't work as intended. I have around fifteen mods running on one of my forums and I never had a problem with any of them during the time I was using Vbet. As long as you follow the installation instructions to the letter things will work.

  6. #26


    So in order to make this work I have to manipulate VBSEO code :P that to me makes no sense, when I upgrade or apply a VBSEO patch ill have to go back and make the changes again, this is a scenario Im working to avoid like a plague

  7. #27


    Ok.... Reply with Quotes were broke until I disabled this plugin :P

  8. #28
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by techanalyst View Post

    PC Gaming | PC Gamers & Steam Gaming - For english, now remains the same as to not break links, as I CANNOT USE the 301 redirects due to CDN CName conflicts
    PC hry | hraní her na PC a herní Steam (česky) - Seems to work, vbnotification shows a bunch of weird code
    PC Gaming | PC Gamers & Steam Gaming (Greek) - Stays English

    VBSEO changes - Some steps conflict with specific settings on my Mod Re-writes, Im not replacing vbseo code, VBSEO works perfect atm, im not changing their code, period, doesnt make any sense to me having to require to change code in an app that works, I shouldnt not have to manipulate the code, what happens when I have someone upgrade or apply a patch to that software? I have to go back and do these steps, with all my current plugins I have no need to do any of this.

    WikiVault - Has never caused me an issue
    Hi I already asked you to open new thread for each issue. This is only about broken links and other issues will not be discussed here. We are not able to have several discussions in one place. 1 issue = one thread. Please open new thread for not translated pages which should be translated (I already answered you shortly if you need more please open new thread for this). Also open new thread for vbnotifications (with details - no "bunch of weird code", but exactly what do you mean).

    If your installation or integration is not made appropriately then you can have any kind of issues. Until you have vBET appropriately installed and integrated on your forum our answer to your issues is - please use instructions included in readme.html and this forum. You put wrong fuel to your car - what do you expect? That your car will work with water? If you do not want to do it is your choice - you can also say there is no way I will upload to FTP file X - you have right to do this and vBET has right to break. You will not have translated URLs without integration with vbseo. You can have troubles with translated links and redirections. And this is what you personally agree - OK we understand that you agree on that. Just please remember that it is your choice when you will have any issue and that we already gave you solution which you refused. vbseo doesn't work perfect with vBET without integration and that is the reason of integration. So we do not want you to change perfectly working code - we want you to make changes to have it perfectly working.
    WikiVault has its own sandbox and do not change anything around. vBET works globally and it influences everything (unless you are using ignoring parameter). We are not here to discuss WikiVault (unless you have issues with integration - then please open new thread). Please stay with the issue - what URLs are broken? Please give us exact examples of broken URLs. For any other issue please open new thread. If you do not have broken URLs then we consider THIS issue as solved. So please - provide us example of broken URL. All links you gave us are not broken.

  9. #29
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by techanalyst View Post
    Ok.... Reply with Quotes were broke until I disabled this plugin :P
    NEW THREAD PER NEW ISSUE - since now we will remove each message from this thread which is not about the issue. Just to force you to open new thread for it. It is really needed - trust us, without it we will all have troubles in communication. You already started here at least 4 issues and I asked you several times to open new threads for those. Instead you are trying to add more issues here. Only one issue will be discussed here. For others - please create one new thread per each issue. We will know exactly what we are still working on, what and how was already solved. Can you image your whole forum in one thread? Why are you trying to do such thing here. Just please - please - please - open new thread for each your issue

    Also please remember to add as many details as you can otherwise you will get nothing more like question (where, URL, example, how to reproduce and so on).

  10. #30


    Two things:

    1.) Integration - Modding the VBSEO has not been required, I run many plugins, vbtube, ALL dragon byte Plugins, vbseo, vaultwiki etc etc, never once did I need to manipulate the physical files, integration doesnt mean code change, it means you have to mod a 3rd party product to meet the requirements of your own, WHICH means when I upgrade VBSEO I need to go back and make the changes again, means more work more down time
    2.) Link - They work now but I had to make changes to my URL re-writes for my akamai CDN Services :P again I had to modify a third party to meet a requirement of your plugin

    I would but I cant keep breaking my forum to to test a plugin, VBET has already cost me about 6 - 7 hours of down testing and re creating and changing the mix of plugins enabled. Reply with Qoute = Broke, I can go hours without that, vbnotifications = very important, and your support takes to long to get back so I cant spend 6 hours with it on, breaking the forum awaiting a response.

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