View Full Version: Št css ali slik na ispy straneh plugin

16-04-10, 17:33
Hi Michel, obstaja možnost, da bi lahko si oglejte in videli, če je enostavno določi za to;

Computer Juice - Site Spy (http://www.computer-juice.com/forums/pt/vaispy.php)

Izgleda, da scenarij ne dobiva datoteko css pravilno in išče na napačnem mestu, za slik ...

16-04-10, 17:52
Kot vidim je ta stran ni prevedena v vseh. Najverjetneje global_complete kavelj se ne uporablja tam. Lahko poskusite povezovanje za mods, ki se ne uporabljajo global_complete kavelj.

Glej tukaj za opis:

Prosimo, da najprej preverite, pa res global_complete ne uporablja tam.

20-04-10, 14:11
Iskreno, ne vem, kako se upoštevajo navedena navodila, da gre za preprost mod, teče od AJAX mislim, samo eno php datoteko, noben izdelek ali predlog. Tukaj je datoteka vsebino.

<? Php
//################################################ ################################//
/ / MOD IME: VBISpy # / /
//################################################ ################################//
/ / OPIS: Ta sprememba za vBulletin doda "v živo" drsenja # / /
/ / Update novih delovnih mest na forum # / /
//################################################ ################################//
/ / S: MPDev # / /
/ / DATUM: 9.26.06 # / /
/ / Version: 1.0.12 # / /
//################################################ ################################//

/ / SET ####################### PHP OKOLJE ###################### #####
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE);

/ / #################### Opredeliti POMEMBNO konstante #######################
define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'vaispy');

/ / ################### PRE-cache predlog in DATA ######################
/ / Dobili posebne skupine fraza
$ Phrasegroups = array ();

/ / Dobili posebne predloge podatke iz Datastore
$ Specialtemplates = array ();

/ / Pre-cache predloge, ki jih uporabljajo vsi ukrepi,
$ Globaltemplates = array ();

/ / Pre-cache predloge, ki jih uporabljajo posebne ukrepe
$ Actiontemplates = array ();

/ / ######################### Zahtevajo BACK-END ################### #########
require_once ('/ global.php.');

/ / ######################### CONFIG VURS ##################### #######
/ / Število dni za skeniranje mizo za .. (86400 predstavlja število sekund v 24 urah)
$ Daysprune = 1;

/ / Ne seznam tem forumu, čeprav imajo dovoljenja (test kategorijah, itd)
Blockforums $ = "";

/ / ######################### CONFIG VURS ##################### #######

$ Forumperms = array ();
$ Lastpostid = (int) $ _REQUEST ['last'];
$ Naročite = (int) $ _REQUEST ['naročiti'];

foreach ($ vBulletin-> forumcache AS $ forum) {
$ $ = Forumid forum ['forumid'];
Forumperms $ = & $ vBulletin-> userinfo ['forumpermissions']["$ forumid "];

if (! isset ($ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ forumid"]) ALI! ($ forumperms & $ vBulletin-> bf_ugp_forumpermissions ['CANview']) ALI! ($ forumperms & $ vBulletin-> bf_ugp_forumpermissions ['canviewothers'] ) ALI verify_forum_password ($ forumid, $ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ forumid"] ['geslo'], false)!)
$ Blockforums .=','.$ forum ['forumid'];
unset ($ forum);

$ Datecut = "IN thread.lastpost> =". (TIMENOW - ($ daysprune * 86400));
$ Prefetched = null;

/ / Get Threads sem Posted V
require_once (. DIR "/ includes / functions_forumdisplay.php ');
$ Rezultat = $ db-> query_read ("
SELECT threadid
OD ". TABLE_PREFIX." Niti kot nit
KJE thread.forumid NOT IN (0 $ blockforums) in
thread.visible = 1 in
thread.open <> 10 in
thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
$ Datecut

$ IdsArray = array ();
while ($ id = $ db-> fetch_array ($ rezultat))
$ IdsArray [] = $ id ['threadid'];

$ Dotthreads = fetch_dot_threads_array (implodiral (',', $ idsArray));
/ / Get Threads

/ Ne / ni nastavljena na več kot 20, če veš, kako spremeniti html na dnu strani (in v vrstici 291)
$ Limitq = (isset ($ _REQUEST ['ne']), "20":? "5,20");

if ($ naročite == 1)
Getthreads $ = $ db-> query_read ("
SELECT subscribethread.subscribethreadid,
post.pagetext AS predogled,
post.userid AS lastpuserid
OD ". TABLE_PREFIX." Subscribethread AS subscribethread
INNER JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX.." Nit AS nit ON (subscribethread.threadid = thread.threadid)
LEFT JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX.." Deletionlog AS Deletionlog ON (thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid IN type = "nit")
LEFT JOIN ". TABLE_PREFIX." Post AS objave ON (post.postid = thread.lastpostid)
WHERE subscribethread.userid = ". $ VBulletin-> userinfo ['userid']."
IN thread.forumid NOT IN (0 $ blockforums)
IN thread.visible = 1
IN subscribethread.canview = 1
IN thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
IN deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
$ Datecut
ORDER BY thread.lastpost DESC LIMIT $ limitq
Getthreads $ = $ db-> query_read ("
SELECT thread.forumid,
post.pagetext AS predogled,
post.userid AS lastpuserid
OD ". TABLE_PREFIX." Niti kot nit
LEFT JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX.." Deletionlog AS Deletionlog ON (thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid IN type = "nit")
LEFT JOIN ". TABLE_PREFIX." Post AS objave ON (post.postid = thread.lastpostid)
KJE odprta <> 10
$ Datecut
IN thread.forumid NOT IN (0 $ blockforums)
IN thread.visible = '1 '
IN thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
IN post.visible = 1
IN deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
ORDER BY thread.lastpost DESC LIMIT $ limitq

$ Vrstica = $ highestid = 1;
$ Rowcolor = "alt2";

while ($ thread = $ db-> fetch_array ($ getthreads)) {
$ Barva = $ barva == 'alt1 "? "Alt2": "alt1";

$ Nit ['title'] = htmlspecialchars_uni (fetch_censored_text (fetch_trimmed_title (unhtmlspecialchars ($ nit ['naslov']), 85)));
$ Nit ['datum'] = vbdate ($ vBulletin-> možnosti ['dateformat'], $ nit ['lastpost'], 1);
$ Nit ['čas'] = vbdate ($ vBulletin-> možnosti ['timeformat'], $ nit ['lastpost']);

/ / Znebite se html in BBCode first
$ Nit ['preview'] = strip_tags (strip_bbcode ($ nit ['preview'], true, true));
$ Nit ['preview'] = htmlspecialchars_uni (fetch_trimmed_title ($ nit ['preview'], 200));
$ Nit ['preview'] = fetch_censored_text (fetch_word_wrapped_string ($ nit ['preview'], 20));

$ Nit ['replycount'] = vb_number_format ($ nit ['replycount']);
$ Nit ['views'] = vb_number_format ($ nit ['views']);

Tforumid $ = $ nit ['forumid'];
$ Nit ['forum'] = htmlspecialchars_uni ($ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ tforumid"] ['naslov']);

if ($ nit ['lastpostid'] == $ nit ['firstpostid "])
$ Etype = "novo temo";
$ Etype = "New Post";

/ / Statusicon
/ / Prikaži dot mapo?
if ($ vBulletin-> userinfo ['userid'] in $ vBulletin-> možnosti ['showdots'] in $ dotthreads ["$ tema [threadid]"])
$ Nit ['statusicon'] .= '_dot ";
$ Nit ['dot_count'] = $ dotthreads ["$ nit [threadid ]"][' count '];
$ Nit ['dot_lastpost'] = $ dotthreads ["$ nit [threadid ]"][' lastpost '];

/ / Prikazujejo vroče mapo?
if ($ vBulletin-> možnosti ['usehotthreads'] in (($ nit ['replycount']> = $ vBulletin-> možnosti ['hotnumberposts'] in $ vBulletin-> možnosti ['hotnumberposts']> 0) ali ( $ nit ['views']> = $ vBulletin-> možnosti ['hotnumberviews'] in $ vBulletin-> možnosti ['hotnumberviews']> 0)))
$ Nit ['statusicon'] .= '_hot ";

/ / Prikaži zaklenil mapo?
if (! $ nit ["odprti"])
$ Nit ['statusicon'] .= '_lock ";

$ Nit ['statusicon'] = "citatom";

if ($ _REQUEST ['ne'] == "xml")

20-04-10, 14:11
Tukaj je drugi del, vBET forum ustavi veliko delovnih mest.

$ Izhod .= <<<VAPRINT
<id> {$ nit ['lastpostid']}</ id>
<what> $ etype </ kaj>
<when> {$ nit ['datum']} {$ nit ['čas, ko']}</>
<title> {$ nit ['title']}</ title>
<preview> {$ nit ['preview']}</ predogled>
<poster> {$ nit ['lastposter']}</ poster>
<threadid> {$ nit ['threadid']}</ threadid>
<postid> {$ nit ['lastpostid']}</ PostID>
<lastpost> {$ nit ['lastpost']}</ lastpost>
<userid> {$ nit ['lastpuserid']}</ userid>
<forumid> {$ nit ['forumid']}</ forumid>
<forumname> {$ nit ['forum']}</ forumname>
<views> {$ nit ['views']}</ views>
<replies> {$ nit ['replycount']}</ odgovori>
<statusicon> {$ nit ['statusicon']}</ statusicon>
</ Dogodek>
$ Rowcolor = ($ rowcolor == "alt1" "alt2":? "Alt1");

Kjer $ = $ = $ posnetek poster_clip = $ poster = null;

if (stristr ($ etype, "nit"))
$ Post_url = "showthread.php? T = {$ nit ['threadid']}";
$ Post_url = "showthread.php p = {$ nit ['lastpostid']}? # Post {$ nit ['lastpostid']}";

if (! $ nit ['naslov'])
$ Posnetek = "<strong> Unknown </ strong>";
$ Posnetek = "<strong> <img src=\\"{$thread['statusicon']}\\" alt=\\"\\" /> <a target = \\" _blank \\ "href = \\" {$ post_url} \\ "> {$ nit ['title']}</ a> </ strong>";

if ($ nit ['preview'])
$ Posnetek .= "<br /> {$ nit ['preview']}";

$ Posnetek .= "({$ nit ['views']} poglede, {$ nit ['replycount']} odgovorov)";

if ($ nit ['lastpuserid "])
$ Poster_clip = "<a target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"member.php?u={$thread['lastpuserid']}\\"> {$ nit ['lastposter']}</ a>";

$ Poster_clip .= "<br /> {$ nit ['datum']} {$ nit [" čas']}";

if ($ nit ['forum'])
$ Kjer .= "<strong> <a target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"forumdisplay.php?f={$thread['forumid']}\\"> {$ nit ['forum']}</ > </ strong> ";
$ Ko = "";

if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Prefetched .= <<<VAPRINT
<div id="row{$row}"> table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width = "20" class = "$ rowcolor smallfont "nowrap =" nowrap "align =" center "> $ etype </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="225" nowrap="nowrap" align="left"> $ poster_clip </ td > <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="80%"> $ posnetek </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="200" nowrap="nowrap" align="center"> $, kjer </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ div> \\ n
$ Prefetched .= <<<VAPRINT
<tr id="row{$row}"> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> <div class="smallfont"> $ etype </ div> </ td> <td class = " $ rowcolor smallfont "> <div class="smallfont"> $ poster_clip </ div> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont"> <div class="smallfont"> $ posnetek </ div> </ td > <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> <div class="smallfont"> $ ko </ div> </ td> </ tr> \\ n

$ Vrstica + +;
if ($ nit ['lastpostid "]> $ highestid)
Highestid $ = $ nit ['lastpostid'];

if ($ vrstica <20)
for ($ x = $ vrstica; $ x <21, $ x + +)
if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Prefetched .= <<<VAPRINT
<div id="row{$x}"> </ div> \\ n
$ Prefetched .= <<<VAPRINT
<tr id="row{$x}"> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont"> </ td> < td class = "$ rowcolor smallfont"> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> </ td> </ tr> \\ n

/ / Spomin varčevanje
unset ($ nit);
$ Db-> free_result ($ getthreads);

if ($ _REQUEST ['ne'] == "xml")
header ('Content-Type: text / xml "($ stylevar [' charset '] ='''; charset = '$ stylevar [' charset ']:.!?.''));
echo "<? xml version =" 1.0 "kodiranje =" '. $ stylevar [' charset '].'"?>'. "\\ R \\ n";

if ($ izhod)
echo "$ <events> izhod </ dogodki>";
echo "<events />";


$ Navbits = array ();
$ Navbits [$ staršev] = 'Site Spy ";
$ Navbits = construct_navbits ($ navbits);

eval ("$ navbar =" "fetch_template (" navbar ")..'";');
$ Navbar = process_replacement_vars ($ Navbar);

eval ("$ headinclude =" "fetch_template (" headinclude ")..'";');
$ Headinclude = process_replacement_vars ($ headinclude);

eval ("noga $ =" "fetch_template (" noga ")..'";');
$ Nogo = process_replacement_vars ($ noga);

echo <<<VAPRINT
$ Stylevar [htmldoctype]
<HTML dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
$ Headinclude
<style type="text/css">
. Spyfade1 div,. Spyfade1 span,,. Spyfade1 td,. Spyfade1 img {
motnost: 0,90;
filter: alpha (motnost = 90);
-Moz-opacity: 0,90;
. Spyfade2 div,. Spyfade2 span,. Spyfade2 td,. Spyfade2 img {
motnost: 0,80;
filter: alpha (motnost = 80);
-Moz-opacity: 0,80;
. Spyfade3 div,. Spyfade3 span,. Spyfade3 td,. Spyfade3 img {
motnost: 0,70;
filter: alpha (motnost = 70);
-Moz-opacity: 0,70;
. Spyfade4 div,. Spyfade4 span,. Spyfade4 td,. Spyfade4 img {
motnost: 0,50;
filter: alpha (motnost = 50);
-Moz-opacity: 0,50;
. Spyfade5 div,. Spyfade5 span,. Spyfade5 td,. Spyfade5 img {
motnost: 0,30;
filter: alpha (motnost = 30);
-Moz-opacity: 0,30;
</ Style>
<script language="javascript" src="clientscript/va_prototype.js"> </ script>
<script language="javascript" src="clientscript/va_effects.js"> </ script>
<script language="javascript" src="clientscript/va_spy.js"> </ script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

</ Script>
<title> Computer Juice - Site Spy </ title>
</ Head>
<body onload="spyinit();">
$ Header
$ Navbar

<table width="90%" align="center"> <tr> <td width="50%" align="left"> <input type="checkbox" id="subscribe" value="1"> ; vpisanega teme, ki jih le </ td>
<td width="50%" align="right">
<img id="vaplay" src="images/misc/play_down.gif" style="cursor:pointer;" alt="Play" title="Play Comments" onclick="playSpy();" />
<img id="vapause" src="images/misc/pause_up.gif" style="cursor:pointer;" alt="Pause" title="Pause Comments" onclick="pauseSpy();" />
</ Td> </ tr> </ table>
<br />

if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Izhod .= <<<VAPRINT
table class="tborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center" id="spy_table">
<tr> <td width="20" class="tcat" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="225" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> države </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="80%" style="height:25px;"> Tema / Post </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="200" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> Forum
</ Tr>
<tr> <td colspan="4" class="alt1">
$ Prefetched
<div id="row21" style="display:none;" class="spyfade1"> </ div>
<div id="row22" style="display:none;" class="spyfade2"> </ div>
<div id="row23" style="display:none;" class="spyfade3"> </ div>
<div id="row24" style="display:none;" class="spyfade4"> </ div>
<div id="row25" style="display:none;" class="spyfade5"> </ div>
</ Td> </ tr>
</ Table>
$ Izhod .= <<<VAPRINT
<br class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" align="center" id="spy_table">
<tr align="center"> <td class="thead" width="100"> Event </ td> <td class="thead" width="100"> države </ td> <td class = "thead "> Tema / Post </ td> <td class="thead" width="190"> Forum </ td> </ tr>
</ Thead>
<tbody class="alt1">
$ Prefetched
<tr id="row21" style="display: none;" class="spyfade1"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row22" style="display: none;" class="spyfade2"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row23" style="display: none;" class="spyfade3"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row24" style="display: none;" class="spyfade4"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row25" style="display: none;" class="spyfade5"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
</ Tbody>
</ Table>

$ Izhod .= <<<VAPRINT
$ Nogo

echo $ proizvodnja;

21-04-10, 01:59
In to je vprašanje - proizvodnja je preprosto natisne, tako da ni nobene možnosti, da jo prevedemo v normalni način.

Toda - imamo rešitev za to - tisti, ki sem vas opozoril. To bo obravnava primere, kot je ta. Prosimo, da nam natančno povedo, s katero korak Imate težave. Pomagali vam bomo neobdelana navodila ali celo spremeniti v bolj razumljivo:)

Ali ste prepričani, da je za dovoljenje tega mod omogoča, da objavijo svoje kode? Če ne, potem vas prosimo, da ga odstranite.

22-04-10, 09:46
Naj bom jasen, želim, da bi to delo, lahko plačam.

22-04-10, 14:23
Naj bom jasen, želim, da bi to delo, lahko plačam.

Seveda nudimo tudi plačane storitve, kot so namestitev, nadgradnjo. Nismo razmišljati o združevanje storitev, vendar pa lahko kupite nadgradnjo storitev (http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/upgrade-service.php) in mi bo to za vas.

Prosimo, upoštevajte, da bomo potrebovali dostop do vašega FTP in Admin CP, da bi lahko to integracijo (Admin CP - pa tudi ne, če dejanske nastavitve so OK; FTP dokončno ja).

Automatic Translations (Powered by Google, Microsoft®, Yandex, SDL Language Cloud, IBM Watson and Apertium):
AfrikaansAlbanianArabicBelarusianBulgarianCatalanChineseCroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchGalicianGermanGreekHaitian CreoleHebrewHindiHungarianIcelandicIndonesianIrishItalianJapaneseKoreanLatvianLithuanianMacedonianMalayMalteseNorwegianPersianPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSerbianSlovakSlovenianSpanishSwahiliSwedishTaiwaneseThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseWelshYiddish
Translations supported by vBET 4.10.1