We are making vBET faster, and faster again
At this moment we are testing on 2 real forums new vBET performance improvement: Full File Cache For Guests.
It will allow to cache complete HTML output generated for guest into cache file. So next request will take response directly from static file. Such cache file will be valid for configurable number of seconds (by default 10 minutes).
Also we discovered that some pages are changed not too often or it is not important to show those changes often. So we made additional 2 performance parameters. Separate configuration parameter with time to live of full file cache for not relevant pages (by default 1 day) and list of not relevant pages. At this moment by default as not relevant pages will be considered:
- member
- calendar
- archive
- tags
Of course Full File Cache For Guests can be turned off if you do not like it. And to give you full flexibility we even allow you to turn it off just for defined pages. So you can enjoy Full File Cache For Guests on your forum and ignore configured pages. At this moment by default Full File Cache For Guests ignores:
- register
- search
Those all options will be included in next release. First we want to test it on real forumsIf you have some additional propositions for default values in ignored, or in not relevant pages - please write here
What is best - Full File Cache For Guests will improve your performance not only for translated pages, but for normal pages too!![]()