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Thread: Please help me

  1. #1

    Default Please help me

    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    My forum has successfully installed and put into good use for about 1-2 months. Tuy nhiên it is not working today. I failed to translate the text does not appear, like this error:
    Original text

    Text translation Disappear After all - what is wrong?
    Two possibilities:
    - You did not fallow installation Instructions. You Must at Least Forum configure option language. Just configure mod
    - You set the wrong Google API key - just set the appropriate value there.
    [lang=vi]I checked it is normal option.
    Option language: Vietnamese
    API Key for ABQIAAAAs2IPs1XLHdPymfri5WkD_xTf8GI3vNs3mVb8WN39cuNcTc-qzhRwT5Df7M1wFJSUzwlCiKHBDolgnw
    I've reinstalled it but it still fails. Please help me.thank you so much.
    My forum is

  2. #2
    vBulletin Enterprise Translator (vBET) Staff
    Join Date
    May 2010


    propably ban from google, please try this solution

    1. make a googletest.php file with this code:

    PHP Code:
    echo "Starting translation test<br/>\n";
    $connection curl_init();
    curl_setopt($connectionCURLOPT_USERAGENT'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)');
    $time microtime(true) * 1000;
    $result curl_exec($connection);
    $time microtime(true) * 1000 $time;
    'Test result: '.$result."<br/>\n";
    'Test error: '.curl_error($connection)."<br/>\n";
    'Connection time (ms): '.$time;
    2. send this googletest.php file on your server to your forum root folder
    3. run

    here you have a full solution:\

  3. #3


    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    Thank you for the help. I have created file: googletest.php and run addresses: / googletest.php. And I get an message:
    Original text

    Starting translation test
    Test result:
    Test error: Failed to connect to Network is unreachable
    Connection time (ms): 26.974853515625
    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    It is not reported as in
    Original text
    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    - So what does this mean?
    Original text

  4. #4
    vBulletin Enterprise Translator (vBET) Staff
    Join Date
    May 2010


    OK it is not a ban from google. You have network problem. your network is unreachable. It is a problem between your server and google.

    firstly: check that the firewall does not block access to google.

    secondly: you should contact with your host provider and ask him about problem with connection.

    P.S. If your forum is hosted by hostgator or theplanet, you will receive this behavior since staurday
    Last edited by kamilkurczak; 27-05-10 at 16:59.

  5. #5


    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    Thank you. I used JustHost. As you said. The problem happened with my server. I have contacted my host and the problem was solved. Today I'm at home, read the utility and beauty of the trade and use their forum engine demo I enjoyed. I want to buy it, you have no coupon? hi
    Original text

  6. #6
    vBulletin Enterprise Translator (vBET) Staff
    Join Date
    May 2010


    No problem,

    You can buy the licence.. to the left of the logo is "buy now!" button.

  7. #7


    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    Today I bought it then. Using it is very good, fast and lighter. But I found my database keeps increasing cache table. It affect the performance of my web page? The free version does not have many tables like cache
    Original text

  8. #8
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Free version also has cache table and cache improves performance. You can disable it if you want, but it is strongly unadvised. If you disable it all translations will go from Google each time - this is very time consuming. Cache allows you to get translations form local resources - much, much faster

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