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Thread: vBET server updates

  1. #1
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default vBET server updates


    We are during big changes on the server (like moving VPS and others). This is why our forum can be unstable and shoot down from time to time.

    At this moment some of works are made on our hosting provider side, so we are not able to tell how long it will take. We hope it will be fast. Still out VPS provider has some issue which he is correcting since last few days.

    We will let you know when works will be done.

  2. #2
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Finally our hosting provider solved the issue

    Quote Originally Posted by our VPS hosting provider
    The problem was caused by internal ethernet interface that was started automatically.
    In the same time starting dhclient-script and rewrite resolv.conf file with incorrect data.
    I have disabled autostart for this interface and dhclient-script doesn't start too.
    The VPS should work properly.
    We hope that right now our server will be stable. Sorry for all issues - believe for us it was the biggest pain

    If server will work stable in next hours we will go back to production process - we are almost ready for new release

  3. #3
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hello. Yesterday we wanted to made new releases of vBET4 and vBET3, but it seems that we have still some issue with our VPS hosting provider - at this moment the server crashes regularly each 4 hours (with 1 minute accuracy), what obviously means that is something wrong on VPS level (probably auto backups which fails to be done).

    At this moment we will hold new releases until server VPS issue will be resolved. We need stable server to provide you our support

    Hope it will be fixed soon - we just send another email to our hosting provider.

    Sorry for all troubles

  4. #4
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Today at night our VPS will be moved again because of hosting provider issues. Forum will be not available for some time. Sorry for troubles.

  5. #5
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    After some changes made by VPS staff our server did not crashed exactly 4 hours after startup. We will observe it next days. Hopefully the issue is gone

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