Hi, I'm interested to purchase vBET. I am only familiar with PhpBB and don't actually have Vbulletin yet. The only reason I would purchase VBulletin is for vBET. There isn't something like this for other forums are there?
My interest in vBET is because I want my posts in English to be translated into many languages and for the translated posts to be permanent. This is my understand of what's so good about vBET as compared. Am I right?
My biggest concern is the issue of whether the forum (and all the languages) will be indexed by google and other search engines. I'm not an expert in all this but have read that what your forum program seems to do violates some of googles rules and therefore there may be detrimental effects in the long term. Is that so?
Also, if I do want to purchase vBET, do you think a pretty newbie like me who hasn't really used VBulletin (only PhpBB) and don't know much programming would be able to get a simple VBulletin + vBET up and running? I see so many technical questions that I don't want to have to confront - if I do have to solve them, I may as well quit from the start because I know I won't be able to do so.
Also, do I need to get VBSEO?