I'm looking on URL you gave. As I see Google indexed 142 000 pages and Yahoo only 1 700 - this looks like something wrong with Yahoo...
Please make sure that you are not blocking Yahoo by your robots.txt If yes - stop. If not - we cannot tell you why Yahoo is lazy in this case. Google shows that everything is OK with your forum and translated pages are indexed well.
Also do not trust results on page you gave. There is written that Google indexed 142 000 pages on your forum, but please see result of this query in google:
I see here only 47 700 results... So results shown on ongsono are quite different than real one.
Also I checked your translated pages, i.e.:
Around 150 results - it is really not impressive, but shows that Google is really indexing your translated pages. You can make it faster i.e. by adding translated pages to your site.xml Also please keep in mind that how fast Google is crawling and indexing pages depends on page PR and chow fast it changes. About other robots - probably similar.