Simon Lloyd
13-12-10, 07:42
Здраво на сите, јас се пресели во еден посветен подесување како што јас се haing прашања на мојот 1GB VPS, но јас се најде im уште има прашања wwhich се предизвикани од преведувач, тоа е постојано конзумирање на повеќе од 30% од процесорот за секој превод, исто така, кога преводот не се случува, се пристапи или без оглед на преведувач скрипта не излезете правилно, тоа недостасува нешто така што серверот секогаш доаѓа со [PHP]<defunct>, it is NOT a server issue as my server, drivers and software are brand new out of the box, if it's any use to you here's a trace of one of the translator processes:
Process 6466 attached - interrupt to quit
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 549898071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 648) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
recvfrom(20, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: "..., 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 541
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723610071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723736071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723815071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723897071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723981071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 724077071}) = 0
time([1292222225]) = 1292222225
close(20) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 724347071}) = 0
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\375\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 257) = 257
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\347\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 235) = 235
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 9268
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\364\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 248) = 248
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 984
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\32\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 286) = 286
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 4975
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\375\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 257) = 257
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "u\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 377) = 377
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 2108
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "N\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 338) = 338
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 2693
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\376\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 258) = 258
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\375\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 257) = 257
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "(\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 300) = 300
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 243
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "&\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 298) = 298
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 243
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "(\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 300) = 300
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 243
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, ",\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 304) = 304
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 243
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\373\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 255) = 255
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920421071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920516071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920599071}) = 0
time([1292222225]) = 1292222225
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920816071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920902071}) = 0
fcntl(20, F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(20, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 921475071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 1000) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLOUT}])
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 930363071}) = 0
getsockopt(20, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0
getpeername(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [85899345936]) = 0
getsockname(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(44624), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [85899345936]) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 930819071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 930899071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 930977071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931058071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931136071}) = 0
sendto(20, "GET /ajax/services/language/tran"..., 1596, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 1596
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931532071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931611071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931694071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 1000) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
recvfrom(20, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: "..., 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 541
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458505071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458618071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458720071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458804071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458889071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458982071}) = 0
time([1292222225]) = 1292222225
close(20) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459334071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459506071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459593071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459677071}) = 0
time([1292222225]) = 1292222225
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459894071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459981071}) = 0
fcntl(20, F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(20, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 460453071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 1000) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLOUT}])
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 468506071}) = 0
getsockopt(20, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0
getpeername(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [85899345936]) = 0
getsockname(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(44635), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [85899345936]) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 468990071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469071071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469149071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469230071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469309071}) = 0
sendto(20, "GET /ajax/services/language/tran"..., 2038, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 2038
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469704071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469783071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469864071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 1000) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
recvfrom(20, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: "..., 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 541
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 996664071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 996792071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 996874071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 996958071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 997044071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 997142071}) = 0
time([1292222226]) = 1292222226
close(20) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 997421071}) = 0
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\352\0\0\0\3\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE vb_session\n\t\t\t"..., 238) = 238
read(19, "0\0\0\1\0\1\0\2\0\0\0(Rows matched: 1 Cha"..., 16384) = 52
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, ":\0\0\0\3\n\t\tINSERT INTO vb_threadvie"..., 62) = 62
read(19, "\7\0\0\1\0\1\0\2\0\0\0", 16384) = 11
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, 8) = 0
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\1\0\0\0\1", 5) = 5
shutdown(19, 2 /* send and receive */) = 0
close(19) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d4ac000, 585728) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, 8) = 0
write(1, "X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.9", 23) = 23
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: vbet_language=af; Ma"..., 47) = 47
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: vbet_language=af; Ma"..., 47) = 47
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "X-Pingback: http://www.thecodeca"..., 59) = 59
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: tcclastvisit=1292222"..., 82) = 82
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: tcclastactivity=0; e"..., 76) = 76
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Cache-Control: private", 22) = 22
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Pragma: private", 15) = 15
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "X-UA-Compatible: IE=7", 21) = 21
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: vbet_sessionUsed=1; "..., 38) = 38
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: tccuserlgv=1; expire"..., 71) = 71
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: vbseo_loggedin=delet"..., 81) = 81
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Content-type: text/html; charset"..., 38) = 38
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Content-Encoding: gzip", 22) = 22
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Content-Length: 19198", 21) = 21
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "\37\213\10\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\355}\351r\33\307\222\356o1\302\357P\206\307&9\"\0\202\244("..., 19198) = 19198
setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, {it_interval={0, 0}, it_value={0, 0}}, NULL) = 0
setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, {it_interval={0, 0}, it_value={30, 0}}, NULL) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGPROF, {0x5fae70, [PROF], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, {0x5fae70, [PROF], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, 8) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [PROF], NULL, 8) = 0
fcntl(4, F_SETLKW, {type=F_WRLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=1}) = 0
fcntl(4, F_SETLKW, {type=F_UNLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=1}) = 0
brk(0x1439e000) = 0x1439e000
brk(0x1421e000) = 0x1421e000
munmap(0x2b227d73c000, 2101248) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d53b000, 2101248) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d42b000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d22a000, 2101248) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d1a9000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x2b227cfa8000, 2101248) = 0
setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, {it_interval={0, 0}, it_value={0, 0}}, NULL) = 0
close(3) = 0
close(4) = 0
close(5) = 0
close(6) = 0
close(7) = 0
close(8) = 0
close(9) = 0
close(10) = 0
close(11) = 0
close(12) = 0
close(13) = 0
close(14) = 0
close(15) = 0
close(16) = 0
close(17) = 0
close(18) = 0
munmap(0x2b2270fa8000, 201326592) = 0
--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
Process 6466 detached
Process 6466 attached - interrupt to quit
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 549898071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 648) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
recvfrom(20, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: "..., 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 541
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723610071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723736071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723815071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723897071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 723981071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 724077071}) = 0
time([1292222225]) = 1292222225
close(20) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 724347071}) = 0
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\375\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 257) = 257
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\347\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 235) = 235
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 9268
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\364\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 248) = 248
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 984
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\32\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 286) = 286
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 4975
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\375\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 257) = 257
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "u\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 377) = 377
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 2108
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "N\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 338) = 338
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 2693
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\376\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 258) = 258
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\375\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 257) = 257
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "(\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 300) = 300
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 243
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "&\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 298) = 298
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 243
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "(\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 300) = 300
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 243
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, ",\1\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 304) = 304
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2l\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 243
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\373\0\0\0\3SELECT cache.originaltext a"..., 255) = 255
read(19, "\1\0\0\1\2k\0\0\2\3def\20thecodec_CCForum\5c"..., 16384) = 241
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920421071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920516071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920599071}) = 0
time([1292222225]) = 1292222225
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920816071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 920902071}) = 0
fcntl(20, F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(20, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 921475071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 1000) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLOUT}])
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 930363071}) = 0
getsockopt(20, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0
getpeername(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [85899345936]) = 0
getsockname(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(44624), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [85899345936]) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 930819071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 930899071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 930977071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931058071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931136071}) = 0
sendto(20, "GET /ajax/services/language/tran"..., 1596, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 1596
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931532071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931611071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78414, 931694071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 1000) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
recvfrom(20, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: "..., 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 541
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458505071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458618071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458720071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458804071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458889071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 458982071}) = 0
time([1292222225]) = 1292222225
close(20) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459334071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459506071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459593071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459677071}) = 0
time([1292222225]) = 1292222225
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459894071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 459981071}) = 0
fcntl(20, F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(20, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 460453071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 1000) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLOUT}])
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 468506071}) = 0
getsockopt(20, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0
getpeername(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [85899345936]) = 0
getsockname(20, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(44635), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [85899345936]) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 468990071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469071071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469149071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469230071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469309071}) = 0
sendto(20, "GET /ajax/services/language/tran"..., 2038, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 2038
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469704071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469783071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 469864071}) = 0
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 1000) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
poll([{fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 1 ([{fd=20, revents=POLLIN}])
recvfrom(20, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: "..., 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 541
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 996664071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 996792071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 996874071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 996958071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 997044071}) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 997142071}) = 0
time([1292222226]) = 1292222226
close(20) = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {78415, 997421071}) = 0
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\352\0\0\0\3\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE vb_session\n\t\t\t"..., 238) = 238
read(19, "0\0\0\1\0\1\0\2\0\0\0(Rows matched: 1 Cha"..., 16384) = 52
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, ":\0\0\0\3\n\t\tINSERT INTO vb_threadvie"..., 62) = 62
read(19, "\7\0\0\1\0\1\0\2\0\0\0", 16384) = 11
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, 8) = 0
poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 0) = 0 (Timeout)
write(19, "\1\0\0\0\1", 5) = 5
shutdown(19, 2 /* send and receive */) = 0
close(19) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d4ac000, 585728) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, 8) = 0
write(1, "X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.9", 23) = 23
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: vbet_language=af; Ma"..., 47) = 47
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: vbet_language=af; Ma"..., 47) = 47
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "X-Pingback: http://www.thecodeca"..., 59) = 59
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: tcclastvisit=1292222"..., 82) = 82
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: tcclastactivity=0; e"..., 76) = 76
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Cache-Control: private", 22) = 22
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Pragma: private", 15) = 15
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "X-UA-Compatible: IE=7", 21) = 21
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: vbet_sessionUsed=1; "..., 38) = 38
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: tccuserlgv=1; expire"..., 71) = 71
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Set-Cookie: vbseo_loggedin=delet"..., 81) = 81
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Content-type: text/html; charset"..., 38) = 38
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Content-Encoding: gzip", 22) = 22
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "Content-Length: 19198", 21) = 21
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "\r\n", 2) = 2
write(1, "\37\213\10\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\355}\351r\33\307\222\356o1\302\357P\206\307&9\"\0\202\244("..., 19198) = 19198
setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, {it_interval={0, 0}, it_value={0, 0}}, NULL) = 0
setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, {it_interval={0, 0}, it_value={30, 0}}, NULL) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGPROF, {0x5fae70, [PROF], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, {0x5fae70, [PROF], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x3cef4302d0}, 8) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [PROF], NULL, 8) = 0
fcntl(4, F_SETLKW, {type=F_WRLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=1}) = 0
fcntl(4, F_SETLKW, {type=F_UNLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=1}) = 0
brk(0x1439e000) = 0x1439e000
brk(0x1421e000) = 0x1421e000
munmap(0x2b227d73c000, 2101248) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d53b000, 2101248) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d42b000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d22a000, 2101248) = 0
munmap(0x2b227d1a9000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x2b227cfa8000, 2101248) = 0
setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, {it_interval={0, 0}, it_value={0, 0}}, NULL) = 0
close(3) = 0
close(4) = 0
close(5) = 0
close(6) = 0
close(7) = 0
close(8) = 0
close(9) = 0
close(10) = 0
close(11) = 0
close(12) = 0
close(13) = 0
close(14) = 0
close(15) = 0
close(16) = 0
close(17) = 0
close(18) = 0
munmap(0x2b2270fa8000, 201326592) = 0
--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
Process 6466 detached