View Full Version: Rezoud $ (Siy dola nan URL) sa ki lakòz redireksyon erè

12-04-11, 21:19
OK, mwen gen yon anpil nan $ nan tit mwen an, epi li sanble yo dwe sa ki lakòz yon erè ak Google sa yo lyen yo.

Mwen gen 26,000 redireksyon erè nan Webmaster zouti (tout angle ki pa avèk yon $ yo nan yo)

Lè m 'klike sou yo li travay ok, mwen sipoze petèt kachèt a envite se pwomès Google? Mwen menm mwen te otorize tout kachèt a ak pm wè sa a toujou.

Epitou ki montre 100,000 pa swiv pou rezon ki fè an egzak menm.

12-04-11, 22:47
hmm mwen bezwen yon Informations plis ankò.
-Tanpri, paste isit la url a ak egzanp
-Pwoblèm sa a se sèlman nan paj tradui oswa sou pa tradui tou?
-Fè ou gen kèk mesaj soti nan Google sou sa?
-Sa-a yo te fè $ se pa ou menm tit itilizatè yo, dwa?


13-04-11, 04:02
Pm m 'yon kont imel Google ak mwen menm m'ap mete ou nan zouti yo webmaster konsa ou ka wè. Li sanble sou sèlman li paj sa yo tradui sèlman.

13-04-11, 17:51
-Tanpri, paste isit la url a ak egzanp
-Pwoblèm sa a se sèlman nan paj tradui oswa sou pa tradui tou?
-Fè ou gen kèk mesaj soti nan Google sou sa?
-Sa-a yo te fè $ se pa ou menm tit itilizatè yo, dwa?



Atan amann m ', men mwen gen 126,000 nan bagay sa yo nan webmaster zouti ak erè a

Redirect erè
11 Apr, 2011

Ak repons lan se wi ki siy dola yo te fè pa moun yo fè poto yo fowòm

13-04-11, 21:28
nan opinyon mwen sa a sanble bon.
Petèt ou ka eseye itilize vBSEO ranplasman karaktè ranplase $ soti nan url pa vBSEO,

dezyèmman - fè w gen nenpòt mesaj soti nan Google? ou ka kole isit la sa ki nan mesaj sa a?

14-04-11, 13:36
Mete nan chunck a mal nan kòd. - Retire

14-04-11, 13:38
Mwen jis jwenn li enpè tout erè li yo re-dirèk, ansanm ak tout li yo nan tradui paj.

dènye mesaj mwen gen te sou dat 30 mas, men ki te wa anvan ajou a sou Vbet

Googlebot encountered problems while crawling your site http://www.allfreechips.com/.

Googlebot encountered extremely large numbers of links on your site. This may indicate a problem with your site's URL structure. Googlebot may unnecessarily be crawling a large number of distinct URLs that point to identical or similar content, or crawling parts of your site that are not intended to be crawled by Googlebot. As a result Googlebot may consume much more bandwidth than necessary, or may be unable to completely index all of the content on your site.

More information about this issue

Here's a list of sample URLs with potential problems. However, this list may not include all problematic URLs on your site.


14-04-11, 14:35
sou yon nòt bò, pandan y ap netwaye kachèt a (baz done) mwen jwenn erè sa

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14-04-11, 19:31
sou avètisman nan cleaner kachèt envite:
isit la ou genyen yon solisyon konfime:

sou mesaj soti nan Google:
Mwen pral tcheke pou wè lyen ou

25-04-11, 22:56
OK, toujou ap resevwa erè masiv re-dirèk nan webmaster zouti, pa sanble yo gen yon pwoblèm avèk sèlman soupi nan $.

htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​s/c​ont​est​-ca​len​dar​/48​38-​lis​top​adu​-sc​rat​ch-​vít​ězo​vé-​kar​ty-​hot​ovo​st.​htm​l Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/l​t/r​ant​s/3​202​-ko​leg​ijo​s-i​r-i​nte​rne​tin​io-​pok​eri​o-d​rau​dim​as-​ska​mbi​nti​-ar​ba-​kar​tus​.ht​ml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/m​t/n​ews​/72​36-​aus​sie​-mi​lli​ons​-fi​nal​e.h​tml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/m​s/p​rom​oti​ons​/63​38-​loy​alt​y-r​ewa​rd-​dap​atk​an-​9x-​mat​a-h​ari​-in​i-s​t-p​add​y-p​ada​-ca​sin​o-v​ill​ent​o.h​tml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​v/p​rom​oti​ons​/42​71-​des​s-e​n-l​ite​n-$​-30​-00​-a.​htm​l Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/n​l/b​ig-​win​ner​s/2​162​-ja​zz-​cas​ino​-en​-sp​ort​boo​k.h​tml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/i​w/s​tra​teg​ies​/45​77-​mar​tin​gal​e-אנטי​-ma​rti​nga​le-ושטוח​-ההימורים​-הולך​-עם​-הזרם​.ht​ml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/n​o/a​fc-​rew​ard​s-i​nfo​rma​tio​n-c​ent​er/​199​1-a​fc-​poe​ngs​yst​em-​du-​bes​tem​mer​-ho​-vi​-br​uke​r-d​em-​her​.ht​ml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/n​o/p​rom​oti​ons​/52​62-​pla​net​-7-​eks​klu​siv​e-k​ode​r-f​ra-​all​fre​ech​ips​.ht​ml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​k/p​rom​oti​ons​/45​37-​40-​dol​áro​v-f​ree​-sl​oty​-pr​e-v​ega​s.h​tml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/z​h-C​N/p​rom​oti​ons​/51​33-棱镜赌场免费筹码​.ht​ml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/g​a/p​rom​oti​ons​/34​88-​win​abi​ngo​-co​m-$​-5-​sao​r-i​n-a​isc​e.h​tml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​l/p​rom​oti​ons​/37​03-​cir​rus​-ca​sin​o-n​-d-​$-5​0-$​-po​tem​-pa​-še​-n-​d-$​-50​-a.​htm​l Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​l/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​315​-$-​100​-v-​pro​sti​-že​ton​ov-​www​-cl​ubb​ers​-wo​rld​-co​m.h​tml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/b​e/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​052​-2-​ням​а-н​ума​роў​-дэ​паз​іт-​у-п​оке​р.h​tml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/a​f/p​rom​oti​ons​/45​52-​and​er-​$-5​0-s​ov-​pri​sma​.ht​ml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/h​i/p​rom​oti​ons​/32​58-दुनिया​-व्यापक​-वेगास​-घ-​20-​n-2​.ht​ml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​s/a​fc-​pok​er-​lea​gue​/30​75-​vbe​t_d​ela​y9x​.ht​ml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​s/p​rom​oti​ons​/51​19-​sre​brn​a-h​ras​ti-​kod​o.h​tml Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​l/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​776​-5-​$-n​a-f​ree​-ho​tel​-ca​sin​o-n​etw​ork​-se​-ko​nča​-17​-de​cem​ber​-je​-po​tek​el.​htm​l Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​s/n​ews​/37​04-​eyv​l-s​aag​a-o​sa-​kak​si.​htm​l Redirect error Apr 24, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​l/p​rom​oti​ons​/52​34-​bel​le-​roc​k-e​nte​rta​inm​ent​-$-​10-​fre​e-z​a-v​se.​htm​l Redirect error Apr 24, 2011

koulye a, mwen li kèk bagay sou erè sa sou Google e mwen te jwenn referances pa usning anwo ka nan utf-8 oswa unikod tèks pou adrès?

Pa si mwen konprann li tout, men mwen te jwenn yon anpil nan kòmantè sou lang ebre lyen yo.

27-04-11, 10:58
ou ka kole isit la yon kontni mesaj plen (mesaj soti nan Google)?

dezyèmman, ou mete yon adrès ki gen anndan espas - tanpri mete adrès isit la a bon paske mwen ta renmen tcheke li.

28-04-11, 13:29
Pa si mwen swiv kesyon ou yo, mwen gen anpil adrès? Yo travay lè ou klike yo men Google wè yo tankou yon erè redireksyon. Mwen li ke li ki gen plis chans kodaj la. Mwen pa gen okenn mesaj soti nan lòt pase erè 100K redireksyon nan webmaster zouti Google. Mwen poste yon chunck nan yo nan post anvan m 'yo.

29-04-11, 15:29
Mwen remake ke tout lyen ki nan lyen yo ou yo ap kase ak navigatè m 'lan pa kapab louvri sit ou pa lyen sa a. yo teste nan IE ak Google Chrome.

By navigatè IE mwen remake se yon sèl bagay - phpBB2 se kase! olye pou yo phpBB2 nan url mwen gen yon% ph E2% 80%% 8BpBB E2% 80% 8B2.

konsa url ou sanble:
http://www.allfreechips.com/ph% E2% 80% 8BpBB% E2% 80% 8B2 /

petèt gen yon pwoblèm ak kodaj.

dezyèmman, ki vèsyon an vBET ou itilize?

29-04-11, 16:01
Mwen itilize vèsyon an dènye ou te fè m 'enstale pou pwoblèm nan dènye 3.4.0

29-04-11, 16:06
Kisa mwen ta tcheke pou kodaj a?

Pa si mwen swiv sa a

29-04-11, 22:13
nan vèsyon nan nouvo tout Reoryantasyon nou gen nan lòd bon konsa url redireksyon se yon bon bagay (gen nenpòt pwoblèm). Se mwen menm kap yon solisyon sou sa kodaj - Mwen pral aks Michał sou sa.

Èske ou ka louvri sit ou lè l sèvi avèk lyen ki nan avètisman Google?

30-04-11, 12:49
Wi, lè m klike sou lyen yo yo travay ok, im pa sa yo ki kote w gen pwoblèm nan phpBB2 ou poste menm si.

03-05-11, 13:23
Li yo te yon koup la jou ak nan wikenn yon isit la:) Nenpòt ki dènye nouvèl sou?

03-05-11, 16:43
Premyerman - mwen ta renmen mande eskiz pou repons mwen an an reta - Nou gen yon tan - gratis nan wikenn (National Jou Ferye).

tounen nan kesyon an.
Mwen remake ke ou pa gen sipòte (ankò) lang pèmèt. Tanpri, enfim li lè l sèvi avèk admincp-> vBET-> tradiksyon opsyon. Si yon moun ap sèvi ak lyen sa a - sit sa pa pral dwe tradui paske Google pa sipòte kèk lang ankò (ak mwen wè kèk adrès ak pa sipòte kòd langay anndan an).

dezyèmman - tanpri keratin lyen isit la kèk nan lis ou a (ki soti nan mesaj soti nan Google) ke ou ka itilize ak fil yo ki gen rapò toujou egziste paske mwen toujou pa kapab louvri nenpòt ki adrès ki nan lis ou a (petèt fil pa egziste kounye a). Li pral trè itil.

trirdly - Mwen kapab repwodui pwoblèm sa a avèk ekspozisyon move de $ nan url. M ap prepare pou ou yon ranje rapid ki jan efase $ soti nan url - si ou bezwen

1. ouvè, modifye, epi fè yon kopi sa a dosye:
fowòm / rasin gen ladan / vbenterprisetransator_functions.php
2. sa a nan dosye jwenn:

$vbet_custom_char_replacement_short = array('"' => '', '%' => '');
3. epi ranplase ak:

$vbet_custom_char_replacement_short = array('"' => '', '%' => '', '$' => '');
4. sove ak tès li

03-05-11, 21:30
ok, mwen retire yo menm ki pa sipòte ankò (mwen pa t 'wè ke nan tan lontan an!)

isit la gen kèk erè nan 1ye me,

htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/n​l/p​rom​oti​ons​/33​99-​bre​aka​ay-​25-​dol​lar​-nd​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/n​o/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​282​-ww​w-c​asi​nod​uwe​b-n​et-​$-1​0-a​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​s/b​ad-​tim​es/​499​6-c​irr​us-​uk-​on-​par​emp​i.h​tml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/e​s/p​rom​oti​ons​/57​82-​$-1​0-0​00-​sor​teo​-co​n-g​alo​re-​tra​gap​err​as.​htm​l Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/l​t/n​ews​/34​56-​ieš​kot​e-ž​mon​ių-​ver​sti​-al​lfr​eec​hip​s.h​tml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​s/p​rom​oti​ons​/39​79-​fre​e-c​asi​no-​kod​e.h​tml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/t​h/p​rom​oti​ons​/35​40-​new​-ca​t-รหัส​-co​ol-คาสิโน​-50​-$.​htm​l Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​l/p​rom​oti​ons​/53​84-​kod​e-i​zob​ilj​u.h​tml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/e​t/p​rom​oti​ons​/58​73-​mas​siv​e-3​33-​1-d​epo​sii​di-​boo​nus​-at​-ca​sin​o33​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/t​h/p​rom​oti​ons​/34​96-เล่นคาสิโน​-em​ail​-ยูไนเต็ดราคา​-$-​10-เสียค่าใช้จ่าย​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​a/p​rom​oti​ons​/59​67-​gen​eró​s-f​ree​spi​n-n​ada​l-p​res​ent​-en​-go​-ca​sin​o-w​ild​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/t​h/p​rom​oti​ons​/34​96-​vbe​t_d​ela​y2x​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/it​/pl​ay_​ban​ner​268​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/t​l/p​rom​oti​ons​/43​41-​new​one​-pa​ra-​coo​lca​t.h​tml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/h​i/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/4​042​-sl​ots​ofv​ega​s.h​tml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​a/w​elc​ome​-le​ts-​tal​k/5​224​-eu​a-c​asi​no.​htm​l Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​q/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​857​-ne​voj​ë-p​ër-​inf​orm​aci​on-​par​a-s​e-t​ë-d​epo​zit​ave​-i.​htm​l Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​s/p​rom​oti​ons​/55​43-​las​t-l​oad​-co​des​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/l​v/c​ont​est​-ca​len​dar​/65​26-​var​-ba​ner​i-n​aud​as-​uzv​arē​tāj​iem​.ht​ml Redirect error May 1, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​a/p​oke​r-p​rom​oti​ons​/29​84-​par​adi​se-​pok​er-​pro​mo-​bec​ome​-mi​lli​ona​ir.​htm​l Redirect error May 1, 2011

03-05-11, 21:37
isit la yo se erè rale se yon seksyon apa

(Lè mwen klike sou yo, yo yo se ok thoug???)

htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/a​f/p​rom​oti​ons​/45​52-​ano​the​r-$​50-​sov​-pr​ism​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 30, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/g​a/p​rom​oti​ons​/34​97-​cas​ino​-gr​and​-ba​y-w​hee​l-c​omi​ng-​apr​il.​htm​l Redirect error unavailable
Apr 30, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/k​o/p​rom​oti​ons​/40​77-​$60​-00​-fr​ee-​slo​ts-​veg​as.​htm​l Redirect error unavailable
Apr 30, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​s/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​317​-sc​i-f​i-1​0-$​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 30, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/b​e/p​rom​oti​ons​/55​43-​las​t-l​oad​-co​des​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​w/p​rom​oti​ons​/54​74-​new​-bo​nus​es-​eve​ryd​ay-​buz​zlu​ck-​cas​ino​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​w/p​rom​oti​ons​/32​34-​som​e-p​lay​tec​h-c​asi​nos​-po​ker​-cl​osi​ng-​out​-us​-pl​ay.​htm​l Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​w/p​rom​oti​ons​/55​33-​buz​zlu​ck-​cas​ino​s-l​ive​-lo​ung​e-a​ir-​ton​igh​t.h​tml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/b​e/n​ews​/22​34-​all​fre​ech​ips​-go​t-h​ack​ed-​amy​-ta​ke-​som​e-t​ime​-ge​t-b​ack​-up​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​w/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​133​-he​y-t​han​ks.​htm​l Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/b​e/p​rom​oti​ons​/56​51-​cas​ino​-pe​ru-​giv​es-​you​-20​$-t​ota​lly​-fr​ee.​htm​l Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/m​t/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​368​-dr​-ho​888​-ca​sin​o.h​tml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/g​a/n​ews​/34​23-​new​-da​tab​ase​-cr​eat​ed-​afc​-sp​eed​s-m​uch​-be​tte​r.h​tml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/m​t/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​303​-dr​-ho​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/g​a/n​ews​/36​94-​cry​pto​log​ic-​sig​ns-​sup​erh​ero​-de​al-​bal​ly-​s-s​har​e-b​uyb​ack​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/m​t/p​rom​oti​ons​/42​26-​vir​tua​l-c​asi​no-​chi​p-3​5-a​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 29, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/g​a/p​rom​oti​ons​/63​14-​get​-$1​500​-fr​ee-​nex​t-t​ime​-yo​u-p​lay​-sl​ots​-ma​dne​ss-​cas​ino​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 28, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/b​e/p​rom​oti​ons​/34​36-​win​ner​s-o​nli​ne-​cas​ino​-ne​w-$​25-​g-f​ed-​cod​e.h​tml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 28, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/t​h/p​oke​r-p​rom​oti​ons​/43​53-​min​i-p​oke​r-m​ara​tho​n-j​une​-22​nd.​htm​l Redirect error unavailable
Apr 28, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/n​o/p​rom​oti​ons​/49​22-​clu​b-p​lay​er-​ndb​onu​s.h​tml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 28, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/z​h-C​N/b​ig-​win​ner​s/3​343​-fi​nal​ly-​hit​-so​met​hin​g-w​ort​h-p​ost​ing​.ht​ml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 27, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/s​l/p​rom​oti​ons​/40​88-​vip​-lo​ung​e.h​tml Redirect error unavailable
Apr 27, 2011
htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​llf​ree​chi​ps.​com​/ph​pBB​2/c​a/a​rch​ive​-ca​sin​o-s​tuf​f/2​322​-pl​eaz​zzz​zzz​zzz​zz.​htm​l Redirect error unavailable
Apr 26, 2011

Eske li posib kachèt an envite a se yon pwoblèm?

07-05-11, 01:37

regrèt pou an reta repons mwen an, men nou ap travay sou relase nan vBET4 vèsyon. Mwen pral tcheke li pou ou pi vit ke posib.

Mèsi pou pasyans ou.

09-05-11, 23:06
hmm mwen te fè tès ak anpil mwen toujou pa kapab montre nenpòt ki paj nan lis ou!
Petèt sa a fil se pa sa ki egziste ankò.
Mwen gen yon lide: tanpri jwenn sou fowòm sa a ou thread:

2. ale la
3. kopi yon url soti nan navigatè ou a
4. keratin isit la.

dezyèmman - tanpri, jis ale nan dosye log erè ou - gade anndan epi eseye jwenn kèk erè lè w ap eseye montre ki paj.

17-05-11, 13:29
Mwen retire yon pòsyon bon nan tradiksyon yo ki pa t 'frapeur gwo sou sit la, epi otorize kachèt la, Se konsa, mwen asime li gen yon pouvwa pandan y ap nan 404 erè jouk Google gout paj yo. Malad veye sou li epi rapòte tounen apre kèk tan. Mèsi ankò pou sipò ou isit la.

17-05-11, 21:24
mèsi ok pou konfimasyon w lan. Si ou ap remake yon bagay - tanpri, fè yon fil nouvo. Sa a se yon sèl rezoud kounye a:)

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