View Full Version : Already proposed Forum display url not translated

14-09-10, 16:49
Hmm in my forum, vbet forum, and in some other forum i see the forum display url not translated, still using default language in the url


real page


translated page, still same english word in the url




is there any fix for this? or i miss something?

15-09-10, 14:52
Forum name in URL is not translated - we do not support this for vBSEO. This is supported for vBulletin 4.x friendly URLs.

We do not support this for vBSEO, because it is not reversible like URLs for threads. URLs for threads includes thread id so translation is reversible - we always know that thread it is about. This doesn't work for forums URLs.

We already have feature request to do this, and see lot of issues with it. It is possible we will support it. Still at this moment we have lot of other tasks with bigger priorities, or just with less issues ;)

15-09-10, 15:02
hmm got it, thanks for the explanation

i will share too if i get something

02-10-10, 22:41
ok i already found way for it, still using vb3

so i changed domain.com/forumname/ with domain.com/forumid/ like used by vbseo.com forum vBSEO SEO Plugin - General Discussion at vBSEO.com (http://www.vbseo.com/f2/)

now its no problem even the forum url with other language because there is only /forumid in the url, with no /forumname like this

default forum url domain.com/f2/
espana url domain.com/es/f2/
italy url domain.com/it/f2/

Here is how to do it (make backup first please before doing anything, do it at your own risk)

1. Go to vbseocp.php --> URL Rewrite settings --> Forum Urls --> Advanced Settings

change all settings that using [forum_title] with this f[forum_id] (like used in vbseo.com forum)

2. Because the forum url is changed from using forumname like domain.com/forumname/ to just forumid like domain.com/f2/ , so we need to redirect 301 old forum url to new forum url, so the indexed url in google and other websites are redirected 301 to new forum url without loosing value on it

Go to vbseocp.php --> Custom redirects -->

add this and change your old forum url with new url, change the bold part below with each forum id (thanks to Mert Gökçeimam in vbseo.com (http://www.vbseo.com/f9/renaming-forum-help-31513/))

'f/old-forum-name/(.+)$' => 'f/fid/$1'
'f/old-forum-name/' => 'f/fid/'

03-10-10, 01:12
Please note that it was better for your SEO to have forum name included in your forum URL.

So we advice to reconsider the idea of having forum URLs only with forum id...

What was wrong with previous one? What for all those steps? Why force Google to re-index all your forum pages?... If it influences also thread URLs (so there also is only forum id) then you also forces Google to re-index all your thread URLs...

03-10-10, 01:22
Please note that it was better for your SEO to have forum name included in your forum URL.

So we advice to reconsider the idea of having forum URLs only with forum id...

What was wrong with previous one? What for all those steps? Why force Google to re-index all your forum pages?... If it influences also thread URLs (so there also is only forum id) then you also forces Google to re-index all your thread URLs...
yes i already thinking and a lot considering about it, the forum name is not really needed in the forum url like vbseo.com forum (its enough the forum name in title, description and keywords). The thread url is not influenced, its still have the thread name in url not changed at all

03-10-10, 01:35
yes i already thinking and a lot considering about it, the forum name is not really needed in the forum url like vbseo.com forum (its enough the forum name in title, description and keywords). The thread url is not influenced, its still have the thread name in url not changed at all

Thread URL also includes forum. So if previously your thread URLs included forum name and now only forum id, then those URLs are changed too. If not, then still Google uses words from URL during indexing. Having forum name in forum URL makes it better for SEO - gives you higher position for searches of those words.

03-10-10, 01:44
yes thank you, like above post i already thinking about this and research a lot in few days-week, i want to try it

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