View Full Version : Which mods should be supported by vBET?

10-11-09, 05:30
The best answer is - all possible ;)

Of course many mods doesn't need any integration. But each mod which will allow to write some kinds of messages, or will use post titles will need some integration.

Which mods do you think we should integrate first?

Give us a hint and your forum will be fully integrated with vBET much faster! :)

10-11-09, 07:41
Thank you very much that you're integrating it with vBADynamics. I use it on my forum, which you probably saw already. I try going in that section with translation on but it returns me back to the homepage. I was gonna ask you about it but was too lazy and forgot. I have about 250k + post in that mod so would be great if that can be intergrated with vBET.

I would also like to suggest PhotoPost PHP Photo Sharing Gallery with vBulletin Forum Integration (http://www.photopost.com/). Well, there are a lot of pictures there, but I want members to at least be able to read comments in their own language. Currently, it redirects back to homepage if I try to view translations of it.


16-11-09, 06:04
I'd like to have this hack to be supported: Cyb - ChatBox (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=201283)

This would be nice if all messages content would be translated as well. I don't know if it's possible but I'm asking. :)

18-11-09, 14:49
Cyb - Advanced Statistics

03-12-09, 05:08
got the mod installed and working, but not clear if there is some way to have it work with my two main plugins, PhotoPost vBGallery v2.5 and vBadvanced Links Directory v3.2.0

anyone else have any luck with either of these yet?

simit patel
03-12-09, 23:24
vbadvertise, and all the products made by vbcredits. i think as a business you will benefit from finding stable partners in the vbulletin ecosystem to work with. i think vbcredits may fit the bill, they've been around for a while now and make great products. the advertising module in particular will be in demand to be translated.

14-12-09, 22:40
vbolg version 2.0.2 and above
this great addon :
Links and Downloads Manager
Links and Downloads Manager - vBulletin.org Forum (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=216118&highlight=links)

El Caballo
18-09-10, 14:44
Hi, the main mods we use are;
vb credits deluxe
vb bookie
photopost pro- I see it works!! Great
Tournaments and ladders
micro newsletter

I had links to them,but can't use links here. Do these all work great with VB Enterprise? If so, I will buy VB Enterprise today!

Oops sorry, I use VBulletin 4.0.5

20-09-10, 12:50
Hi, the main mods we use are;
vb credits deluxe
vb bookie
photopost pro- I see it works!! Great
Tournaments and ladders
micro newsletter

I had links to them,but can't use links here. Do these all work great with VB Enterprise? If so, I will buy VB Enterprise today!

Oops sorry, I use VBulletin 4.0.5

Hi. Please note that we support vB4 :) Even with Publishing Suite (so blogs and CMS too!) :)

About your plugins. Cannot tell definitively at this moment does all will work without additional integration, but please note that most plugins works without any additional integration steps. Additional integration is required only in special cases, like pages completely generated by mod which doesn't support global_complete hook, or mod which creates pages outside forum directory in URL.

Also you can just check does any issues will appear by using vBET free version. It is much slower, but will show you does issues exists. And after that you can buy faster paid version with lot of additional features :)

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