View Full Version : PHP Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplaceHref', includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php on line 222

25-07-18, 09:45
PHP Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplaceHref', to be a valid callback in ..../includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php on line 222

second error:

when you translate to any language the users online vanish:


I think that are the only two bugs that remain to be fixed for a working product on a live user board.

i'm using your new release.

26-07-18, 22:24
Thanks, we forgot to add one thing. This will be corrected in nect release.

For quick fix please:

Open file includes\vventerprisetranslator_functions.php

function vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplace($language, $address) {
Paste BEFORE it:

function vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplaceHref($what) {
return 'href="'.vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplace($_REQUEST['language'], $what[1]).'"';

Please let us know does it fix your issue.

02-08-18, 21:24
No answer - we assume, that the issue is gone.

05-08-18, 20:00
Hey sorry, I was on a trip for 10 days.

I've applied your edit and it didn't change anything.

still have same error: PHP Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplaceHref', to be a valid callback in ..../includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php on line 222

also username online is still hidden when translate.

11-08-18, 03:21
We are moving our server right now, so first we must finish it, then we will handle the issue. We will contact you soon.
Meantime you can try to install newest release - there is the very same change, but maybe you set something wrong.

12-08-18, 10:28
To make it easier for you we will solve the issue on your side. Please PM me access details to your FTP and Admin CP (for security reasons we recommend to send us temporary passwords or accounts).

12-08-18, 18:06
To make it easier for you we will solve the issue on your side. Please PM me access details to your FTP and Admin CP (for security reasons we recommend to send us temporary passwords or accounts).

I've done that now sir! Thank you!

It are two bugs.

13-08-18, 04:10
As I see you didn't fallow exactly our quick fix instructions and paste the code nit BEFORE but AFTER code in point 3. That is why it didn't work for you. I fixed it for you, by sending by FTP file from last release. Not it is working as I see.

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