View Full Version : Solved Wiki in sub directory issues

06-10-10, 04:44
OK, I have a wiki in a sub directory www.xxxxxxx.com/wiki, my forums are in www.xxxxxxx.com/forums.

I am attempting to integrate the translation into mediawiki which shares my logon info with the forum currently.

I am seeing the following DB error when testing:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT cache.originaltext as originaltext, cache.translated as translated FROM vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short_it help, vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short_it cache WHERE help.originaltext='Powered+by+MediaWiki' AND cache.serie=help.serie;

MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Request Date : Tuesday, October 5th 2010 @ 11:20:16 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, October 5th 2010 @ 11:20:17 PM
Script : http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.com/wiki/?vbet_outside=true&language=it
Referrer :
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Username : xxxxxxxxxx
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi

Any idea where to look? I have read every suggestion you have given to others regarding how to integrate. The problem is that I simply have no idea which solution I need.

Thank you

06-10-10, 09:40
it is a complete error message? if not, please paste here a complete one.

You can also optimize DB tables. to do it just go to your admincp->maintence->repair/optimize tables->chect all-> and click continue

06-10-10, 14:46
it is a complete error message? if not, please paste here a complete one.

You can also optimize DB tables. to do it just go to your admincp->maintence->repair/optimize tables->chect all-> and click continue

It doesn't say the table is corrupt...it says invalid SQL. Most likely due to something wrong with the rewrites for the wiki sub dir or an incomplete integration with the wiki.

I am sure I am missing something and looking for the steps I need for my integration.

I'm getting no errors on the forum itself.

07-10-10, 00:07
Hello? This can't be that difficult for you guys to diagnose.

07-10-10, 08:04
The truth is that it is difficult to diagnose - there is no any error number nor error message. That is why Kamil ask you does it is full error communicate or there was something removed from there.

Without error message we are blind here... Can you find more information about it, in example in logs?

07-10-10, 08:29
Also - as I understand it happens only for wiki. For normal pages not. Are you using table prefix?

07-10-10, 15:55
Also - as I understand it happens only for wiki. For normal pages not. Are you using table prefix?

Invalid SQL is the error.

This is what came in the email, I have no error number.

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT cache.originaltext as originaltext, cache.translated as translated FROM vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short_it help, vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short_it cache WHERE help.originaltext='Powered+by+MediaWiki' AND cache.serie=help.serie;

MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Request Date : Tuesday, October 5th 2010 @ 11:11:36 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, October 5th 2010 @ 11:11:36 PM
Script : http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/wiki/vbenterprisetranslator_front_controller.php?redirected=&vbet_outside=true&vbet_outside=true&language=it
Referrer :
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Username : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :

The wiki tables all start with "mw_", all the rest for the site, no prefix. I do see above where it's saying "outside=true" twice. I will look at the rewrites.

I know for a fact that my implementation was pretty much a guess as to which instructions to use to integrate the wiki. What I want to know is what posts of yours applies to me. Does mediawiki use global complete? I really don't know, how would I be able to tell that?

Thank you for your time

08-10-10, 21:29
26 hour bump**********

Is there a fee I can pay for priority responses?

Thank you

09-10-10, 18:04
Very sorry for delay. We do not take payments for priority responses. We booth (me and Kamil) where on forum on Thursday and Friday - just didn't figure out who will take care about this issue. I add some question to put more light, Kamil though that I took this case... Sorry. We will do it better next time. Also hope you will be happy knowing, that we will start look for one more employee for customer care (this weekend or next week will appear advertisement) :)

You will know that integrated mod uses global_complete because pages will not be translated. Links with language code wil work, but page will not be translated. If such thing happens then please apply hints for mods which doesn’t support global_complete. This can happen only for mods which generates it's own pages completely and ignore vBulletin architecture.

About MySQL issue - we are still blind. I thought that it could be prefix issue, but you are not using it for vBulletin. Without additional info about the issue we are not able to tell what it is. Please contact with MySQL support and ask why your messages do not have any error number nor error description. Also - did you check MySQL logs? Maybe there will be more about it.

10-10-10, 01:54
You will know that integrated mod uses global_complete because pages will not be translated. Links with language code wil work, but page will not be translated. If such thing happens then please apply hints for mods which doesn’t support global_complete. This can happen only for mods which generates it's own pages completely and ignore vBulletin architecture.

OK, it's not a mod for vBulletin, Mediawiki is stand alone. The only link to my forums is this mod from vb.org:
MediaWiki/vBulletin Single Sign-On - vBulletin.org Forum (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=213102)

Because I am using this mod to "bridge" the user sessions, I am still wondering if global complete is in use and thus still confused as to which implementation is correct.

About MySQL issue - we are still blind. I thought that it could be prefix issue, but you are not using it for vBulletin. Without additional info about the issue we are not able to tell what it is. Please contact with MySQL support and ask why your messages do not have any error number nor error description. Also - did you check MySQL logs? Maybe there will be more about it.

There is no error logged by mysql, I just verified by opening the error log that is specified in my.cnf.

It's an invalid statement.

Invalid SQL:
SELECT cache.originaltext as originaltext, cache.translated as translated FROM vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short_fr help, vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short_fr cache WHERE help.originaltext='Powered+by+MediaWiki' AND cache.serie=help.serie;

The select is failing. Do those tables and fields look correct to you? Where is that select being called from?

Thank you for your help

10-10-10, 21:45
The SQL query itself is OK - as you wrote yourself it is working for vBulletin.

You added important information - MediaWiki is not vBulletin mod. So vBET cannot support it. If MediaWiki is not vB mod then definitively it is not using any vB hook - you wrote yourself that it is standalone application. vBET i vBulletin Enterprise Translator - we translate vBulletin.

So the reason of this error is that vBulletin is not initialized - it is not used at all...

I'm marking this issue as solved, because we know the reason now and we know that it is not vBET scope at all – vBET is not prepared to translate pages not related to vBulletin.

10-10-10, 21:54
The SQL query itself is OK - as you wrote yourself it is working for vBulletin.

You added important information - MediaWiki is not vBulletin mod. So vBET cannot support it. If MediaWiki is not vB mod then definitively it is not using any vB hook - you wrote yourself that it is standalone application. vBET i vBulletin Enterprise Translator - we translate vBulletin.

So the reason of this error is that vBulletin is not initialized - it is not used at all...

I'm marking this issue as solved, because we know the reason now and we know that it is not vBET scope at all – vBET is not prepared to translate pages not related to vBulletin.

Then how do others translate MediaWiki here? Makes no sense to me why they can and I cannot. They are running a bridge just like me.

The query could have been incorrect because I may not have implemented properly.


10-10-10, 22:01
Please note that I do not know MediaWiki product. My last response base on your description - that it is standalone application. I change the status to To Explain and check it again :)

10-10-10, 22:18
As I see there MediaViki is not separate application - it is integrated with vBulletin and page is generated by vBulletin. You can check it yourself - there is address.

As I see on your forum MediaWiki is not integrated - page is not generated by vBulletin. This is the difference.

So first integrate MeidaWiki with vBulletin. And when pages will be generated by vBulletin (same header, footer, etc.) then you can integrate it with vBET.

10-10-10, 22:27
As I see there MediaViki is not separate application - it is integrated with vBulletin and page is generated by vBulletin. You can check it yourself - there is address.

As I see on your forum MediaWiki is not integrated - page is not generated by vBulletin. This is the difference.

So first integrate MeidaWiki with vBulletin. And when pages will be generated by vBulletin (same header, footer, etc.) then you can integrate it with vBET.

The product referenced is similar to what I'm running. I am linked to the forum as the two products are sharing logon info between them.

Are you saying that I need to include the header and footer to make your mod behave for me like to other person?

11-10-10, 09:44
No. It is not case of including footer or header. It is case of integration wiki pages, to be generated by vBulletin engine.

Just as I wrote - our client who uses vBET go translate wiki pages uses it to really translate vBulletin page which shows wiki pages (probably - this is how I see it). That is why vBET is working there. As I see on your forum wiki page is not generated by vBulletin engine.

Please contact with user who already did it and ask him for integration details between vBulletin and MediaWiki. It is referenced to same mod, but it doesn't mean that some additional tasks wasn't done. As I wrote results differs between yours forums so I suspect that something more was done here (it can be even this mod configuration issue, or just access issue – wrong URL).

11-10-10, 18:41
No. It is not case of including footer or header. It is case of integration wiki pages, to be generated by vBulletin engine.

The flaw in that statement is that mediawiki pages are never generated by vbulletin. vBmediawiki is a bridge for single sign on between the forum and wiki. I understand that it is a different mod than I am using since I cannot run vbmediawiki as I am on 3.8.x and that mod is for vb4.

Just as I wrote - our client who uses vBET go translate wiki pages uses it to really translate vBulletin page which shows wiki pages (probably - this is how I see it). That is why vBET is working there. As I see on your forum wiki page is not generated by vBulletin engine.

As I mentioned, neither is his technically. Though there is a tighter integration of the skin with his mod.

Please contact with user who already did it and ask him for integration details between vBulletin and MediaWiki. It is referenced to same mod, but it doesn't mean that some additional tasks wasn't done. As I wrote results differs between yours forums so I suspect that something more was done here (it can be even this mod configuration issue, or just access issue – wrong URL).

I appreciate your time. His integration is with a different version of vbulletin.

Please answer this. How can I tell if my mod/bridge is using global_complete? I guess I will try to make it work on my own if I can get that question answered.

Couldn't I use the photopost instructions from this site?

Thank you

13-10-10, 10:31
Yes - it can be that on his forum it is working because of different versions. As I wrote before I do not know details of his integration between vBulletin nad MediaWiki. It looks like it is generated by vBulletin, still it can be layout integration as you wrote. Maybe newest version of MediaWiki mod does additional things, maybe forum author mad additional effort. Did you asked him? Did you check description for newest MediaWiki integration mod? I see there flags in the footer – it looks like footer is generated by vB templating mechanism, not just hardcoded.

How to check does hook global_complete is used. It is very simple. If you made first integration part appropriately - it means forum will recognize links with language code (i.e. /pl/...) - then if global_complete is supported page will translate fine. If it is not supported, then page will not be translated, and you can see that on page which should be translated links under the flags will have 'vbet_flag' included in URL.

21-10-10, 16:34
Yes - it can be that on his forum it is working because of different versions. As I wrote before I do not know details of his integration between vBulletin nad MediaWiki. It looks like it is generated by vBulletin, still it can be layout integration as you wrote. Maybe newest version of MediaWiki mod does additional things, maybe forum author mad additional effort. Did you asked him? Did you check description for newest MediaWiki integration mod? I see there flags in the footer – it looks like footer is generated by vB templating mechanism, not just hardcoded.

How to check does hook global_complete is used. It is very simple. If you made first integration part appropriately - it means forum will recognize links with language code (i.e. /pl/...) - then if global_complete is supported page will translate fine. If it is not supported, then page will not be translated, and you can see that on page which should be translated links under the flags will have 'vbet_flag' included in URL.

Please kill this, I gave up.


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Translations made by vB Enterprise Translator 4.10.1