16-11-10, 00:41
Soos in die readme.html beskryf:
Installation procedure for vBETTM 3.x
Unzip vBETTM package file.
Upload ALL files in the upload folder to your forum root folder.
Install product file
Go to Admin CP->Plugins & Products->Manage Products and click [Add/Import Product]
For upload select do-not-upload/product-vbenterprisetranslator.xml file from vBETTM package and click Import.
Alle vBET lêers word in die / forums / upload / directory.
Toe ek begin om die XML-lêer in te voer, hang die installasie met 'n boodskap (op die Duitse):
Importiere Add-on, Bitte warten...
Toe ek verander na 'n ander punt in die Admin CP, dit werk. Toe ek terug te keer na die invoegtoepassing, Dit wys net:
vBulletin 4.0.8
vBulletin-Blog 4.0.8
vBulletin-CMS 4.0.8
Please help.
Installation procedure for vBETTM 3.x
Unzip vBETTM package file.
Upload ALL files in the upload folder to your forum root folder.
Install product file
Go to Admin CP->Plugins & Products->Manage Products and click [Add/Import Product]
For upload select do-not-upload/product-vbenterprisetranslator.xml file from vBETTM package and click Import.
Alle vBET lêers word in die / forums / upload / directory.
Toe ek begin om die XML-lêer in te voer, hang die installasie met 'n boodskap (op die Duitse):
Importiere Add-on, Bitte warten...
Toe ek verander na 'n ander punt in die Admin CP, dit werk. Toe ek terug te keer na die invoegtoepassing, Dit wys net:
vBulletin 4.0.8
vBulletin-Blog 4.0.8
vBulletin-CMS 4.0.8
Please help.