Përshëndetje, i instaluar disa ditë më parë një plugin quajtur apache mod_pagespeed (saj nga Google). Ajo rritur shpejtësinë faqe më shumë se 20% (******) [në fillim të ngarkesës server më shumë, por i cili kujdeset?] Për pagespeed tim vistors.Mod bën shumë gjëra të tilla si: Kombinoje css, javascript, fotografi cache ulët të cilësisë dhe shumë shumë shumë më shumë ... shikoni këtu: Praktikat më të mira Web PerformanceUnë kam shumë webpages, një shumë e wordpresses dhe gjithashtu disa vbulletins, tani që unë kam gjetur një problem me pagespeed + vbet: "Apache gabim.shkrimet janë plot me:Unë mendoj se problemi është i thanë faqja mod shpejtësi: "në qoftë se u duan të cache një artikull nga WoW Forum | WoW Bot Fairplay Forum shkojnë në / path / to / Glider-forum.de / ". Kjo works fine për vBulletin normale, por, kur një vistor udhëton për WoW Forum | Forum WoW Bot Fairplay ai është në kërkim në / path / to / Glider-forum.de / en /, por kjo punë zakon ... Unë nuk kam asnjë ide për të rregulluar këtë, ndoshta ju? kjo do të ndihmojë me të vërtetë shumë njerëz!Code:[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @5883] vbulletin_md5.js,qv=387:0: Resource based on http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js?v=387 but cannot find the original[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @5883] Fetch failed for http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js,qv=387.pagespeed.ce.UZfm30t6Ms.js, status=0[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6321] yahoo-dom-event.js,qv=387:0: Resource based on http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/yui/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js?v=387 but cannot find the original[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6321] Fetch failed for http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/yui/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js,qv=387.pagespeed.jm.YoTE_oKCXz.js, status=0[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6624] connection-min.js,qv=387:0: Resource based on http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/yui/connection/connection-min.js?v=387 but cannot find the original[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6624] Fetch failed for http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/yui/connection/connection-min.js,qv=387.pagespeed.jm.VTKQG1P_9x.js, status=0[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6324] vbulletin_md5.js,qv=387:0: Resource based on http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js?v=387 but cannot find the original[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6324] Fetch failed for http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js,qv=387.pagespeed.ce.UZfm30t6Ms.js, status=0[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9505] vbulletin_global.js,qv=387:0: Resource based on http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/vbulletin_global.js?v=387 but cannot find the original[Tue Oct 25 21:40:55 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9505] Fetch failed for http://wow.glider-forum.de/fun-spa%C3%9F-und-andere-kuriosit%C3%A4ten/clientscript/vbulletin_global.js,qv=387.pagespeed.jm.GLdshc8iv9.js, status=0[Tue Oct 25 21:42:33 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9509] sortdesc.gif:0: Resource based on http://wow.glider-forum.de/zh-TW/j%C3%A4ger-107/RaidArena/buttons/sortdesc.gif but cannot find the original[Tue Oct 25 21:42:33 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9509] Fetch failed for http://wow.glider-forum.de/zh-TW/j\xc3\xa4ger-107/RaidArena/buttons/sortdesc.gif.pagespeed.ce.7SgKDqPMOP.gif, status=0[Tue Oct 25 21:43:00 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6628] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/0f18pG3pFsOAAkiNvOyE.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:10 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9509] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/CXcEg2e6uTGVSCq6XTx8.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:15 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9505] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/PEUhcbWOxV_ZQF7NG6b4.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:16 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @5883] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/k_cBZlR7jC77PYG0F4vy.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:17 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9505] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/PEUhcbWOxV_ZQF7NG6b4.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:24 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9404] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/k_cBZlR7jC77PYG0F4vy.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:26 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6321] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/CXcEg2e6uTGVSCq6XTx8.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:26 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @6321] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/0aR3kBki6wxlS__HeAaY.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:29 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9404] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/DomQjD6ivJHHG5tYzppQ.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)[Tue Oct 25 21:43:31 2011] [error] [mod_pagespeed @9505] /var/mod_pagespeed/cache/0f18pG3pFsOAAkiNvOyE.lock:0: failed to stat (code=2 No such file or directory)