Originally Posted by
The problem is Vbet, here's anther example of vBets auto translated and a regular one:

Please note that [l angtitle=fr] takes 14 signs, so having [l angtitle=fr]i. .. makes it 15 characters from original title
In your title: [Guida] Free Unlock e... if not counting [Guida] (can be some prefix not title) then from title stays you 13 characters. Not sure why not 15 - maybe algorithm takes some extra for prefixes.
For me it seems like situation described before. But we can easily check it. Please:
1. Open file /includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions_hooks.php
2. Find:
PHP Code:
$output =& vbet_parseTitleGlobally($output,true);
3. Comment it - so replace to:
PHP Code:
//$output =& vbet_parseTitleGlobally($output,true);
4. Upload file to server and check your not translated page where you see it (be logged in in case of guest cache used)
Please tell how it will look then. After that undo the changes.