Upgraded after server load problem![]()
Upgraded after server load problem![]()
Does anyone have any idea how large the file cache could get before it has a negative impact on performance?
Database cache caches only translations. Not whole HTML content. So when some translated page is generated, then first normal page is generated and after that it is parsed and translated. During translation DB cache is used and translated sentences are taken from there. Just sentences - not whole HTML, because each time translations can be different (i.e. different privileges of users, changed content). One HTML page can have hundreds of sentences to translate - vBET takes content between HTML tags. Thanks DB cache those translations don't have to be taken each time from Google - what consumes lot of time - instead of that, those are taken from your local DB. Still - normal page have to be generated and after that translated.
Full File Cache For Guests works only for guests. Thanks that we do not have to worry that users have different privileges and see different things. ll guests see the same content. Because of that we do not have to parse result and translate it piece by piece each time - we can simply do it one a while and cache full HTML output. So in this case when full page is not cached, or cached content is too old, then normal translation occurs - just like described before. But this time at the very end full HTML output is written to file. So next time when same request comes from guest we do not generate even normal page content - we simply stream to guest already cached HTML file. That is why we save lot of SQL queries, CPU and memory. We just give to user content from static file. That is why it is important to determine how long this cache will be valid. Because if something will change - i.e. new post will arrive to thread, then guests will not see this new post until already cached file expires. After that during next request, again normal page will be generated, translated, and cached - and this content guests will see i.e. for another hour (configurable). They will not see any changes until cached file expires again. Of course your users will see everything, because it works only for guests (so for robots also, because robots crawl your forum as guests).
Please tell did it help and in case of any questions just ask - we will gladly describe it more![]()
It will be, it will beMost new things are already tested there. We just have more to do in case of Full File Cache for Guests on vB4, because we support there translation of more kinds of URLs for vBSEO and also Friendly URLs from vB. And of all of those we have to test it very carefully and still have to implement support of earlier redirect for some of those. Also - we will use this additional time to check any possible issues with Full File Cache For Guests (which is considered BETA now) on vB3 forums. We test it well, but it is always better to care more about good quality
in file /images/vbet/flags/vbet.css
Please describe better what it means "weird" - maybe we will able to help you. Also we advise to use for such things Firefox with plugin Firebug - it will allow to show you exactly which css styles are used for specified elements. It is really helpful![]()
I know that for everyone his version is most importantAnd we do not want to argue with that
In this case vBET3.x is earlier for very good reason: QUALITY. We add new important functionality (Full File Cache for Guests) in this version, and it was much easier to add it into vB3, because there are no Friendly URLs, and we translate only thread URLs for vBSEO. In case of vB4 it is more complicated - Friendly URLs must be supported, and we translate much more kinds of URLs. Putting it first in vB3. allowed us to test it very well on real forums, check that it is working fine, maybe will show some bugs before it go to vB4. And after we are completly sure that it is all fine, we still have to add in vB4 aditional support (Friuendly URLs, more translted URLs). That is why this time vBET3.x is earlier and we still need 2 weeks for vBET4.x. And thanks that you will get solution which have very good quality, ewen if it is more complicated thatin case of vB3
There should be no such thing as negative performance impact because of file cache. It is because File cache do not grows... We create separate file for each request URL. So each cache file is simply static HTML file (cached output for request). When your server caches more and more vBET simply creates more and more files. So each time when such file is read:
1. It is read only result for this particular URL
2. We even do not read it to memory - just simply stream it to client using PHP function: readfile
Because of that even if your result page is really big - so cache file is also big, it will have no negative performance impact, because it will just stream this one file without even reading whole it into memory. So you will see advantages not disadvantages.