We have for you new release of vBET. In this version we have performance improvements (most important one - full file cache for guests) and also some new features and few bugs corrected. Enjoy!
- Performance improvements
- Earlier redirects for vBSEO wrong URLs
- Full file cache for guests
- Configurable file cache time to live
- Configurable file cache time to live for less relevant pages
- Configurable set of less relevant pages
- Configurable set of pages ignored by full file cache for guests
- All flags images taken as one file from server (css sprite supported)
- Ignored words/sentences functionality
- Supports: posts, group messages, visitor messages, picture comments, private messages
- Opaque ignored words in already existing messages
- Supports: posts, group messages, visitor messages, picture comments
- Option to not translate content of code html tag
Changed templates:
- vbenterprisetranslator_inpost_translate
- vbenterprisetranslator_inpost_translate_alreadyin
- vbenterprisetranslator_flag
Bugs corrected:
- Defined dir for vbseo
- Span breaking some layouts
- Translate langtitle when answering message
- Archive with vBSEO 3.5
- Saving custom profile fields under translated page
- Broken langtitle for long titles with auto 'Re:' option
- langtitle parsed for newreply on translated view
- Multi langtitle opaque
And few words about new Full File Cache for Guests functionality. When turn on it will check does request is from user which is not logged in. If it is from guest then it will check does result is not already cached. In case it is - full HTML response will be taken from cache. If not then it will be cached after output is generated. Please note that it will work also for your original pages - so it will improve generation time and make less DB queries also for not translated pages. It is highly configurable. It means that you can configure not only cache time, but you can also define which pages you confider less relevant and for those pages you can set longer cache time. By default cache time for normal pages is 1 hour (it means that guests can see forum changes after 1 hour if page was just cached) and for less relevant pages by default it is 15 days. Of course it is configurable by Admin CP. Also you can define which pages should be ignored by Full File Cache for Guest.
We were testing it for some time on our forums, still we consider this functionality as BETA. Also please note that you will have to set appropriate privileges to cache directory to be able to use it - otherwise cache files will not be generated. Details in configuration description.
We will include it also in vBET 4.x soon![]()