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Thread: vBET 3.3.4 released

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus View Post
    Yes, I realize this. I really hope Micheal can sort this.
    No probs. I was just suggesting this because when I run into a similar problem yesterday, I was greeted with silence here. I guess community members helping each other out?? I personally wouldn't attempt a major upgrade if I knew support wasn't going to be available for the next 6 or 8 hours or more.

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    May 2010


    Thanks Steve man!! I really appreciate it!!

  3. #33
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus View Post
    I urgently need help. After the upgrade I have this error on top of my forum:

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 1153

    My whole forum is completely messed up. For some reason this only happens if not logged in. So for guests. If logged in, everything is fine.

    EDIT: OK I realized that after I disabled the Use 'Full File Cache For Guests (BETA!)' everything is fine. So there must be something wrong there. (And I did CHMOD 777 -R vbet_guestcache)
    Please open new thread for this in Bug Reports. We will be able to manage this there.

  4. #34
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    Ok, I needed to suppress PHP errors, the cache was checking for the file age on files that didn't exist and was bugging out. The file cache is an awesome addition, if you can use it you wont regret it.
    This is in purpose - we do not check does file exists, to avoid unnecessary IO operations. According to PHP manual (PHP: filemtime - Manual) function filemtime returns false for not existing files. We was not aware about any error messages - according to manual this function should not send any errors in case of not existing file. Can you please open new thread in Troubleshoting or Bug Reports for that with example of your error messages?

    To all - please do not treat this thread as only place about this vBET version. For troubles or bugs - please write in appropriate sections. We will be not able to manage your issues if those will be here.

  5. #35


    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    I upgraded from 3.3.4 up in 2 days. On the first link on google submited not as much as every day, and today saw decreases. I do not understand why despite all post topics and still growing normally. Who is like me?
    I plummeted from 145,000 to 139,000 links on Google
    Original text

  6. #36
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by haiduongbk View Post
    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    I upgraded from 3.3.4 up in 2 days. On the first link on google submited not as much as every day, and today saw decreases. I do not understand why despite all post topics and still growing normally. Who is like me?
    I plummeted from 145,000 to 139,000 links on Google
    Original text
    This has nothing to do with update to vBET3.3.4 - Google simply doesn't react hat fast. There can be lot of reasons, but it is not vBET
    Only reason it could be done by vBET (but not in such short time) is if some translated pages would not generate. If you find that some pages are not reachable - please note it to us. You can find it in webmaster tools.

  7. #37


    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
    Translated text
    Thanks Michal. I will follow it more time. and learn the cause.
    Original text

  8. #38
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haiduongbk View Post
    Text automatically translated from: Vietnamese to: English
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    Thanks Michal. I will follow it more time. and learn the cause.
    Original text
    Mostly common is that people forgot that they made changes in robots.txt 2-3 months earlier (yes Google reacts in such time - it can be faster if you have super high Page Rank). Also sometimes people look on results in Google search - where is shown only approximated number of indexed pages, not the real one. So approximation could change to better one and it doesn't mean that any of your pages was removed from index. Also - Google is huge and have lot of databases which from time to time are updated, replicated and so on - this can be only effect of working Google database algorithms. Also Google is changing it's indexing algorithms and i.e. it is possible that some of your already indexed pages are now considered as duplication of content (i.e. most member pages are in 99% same) and removed from indexes.

    As long as you do not see large number of errors in your webmaster tools you can assume that it is just how Google works. But if you see errors - then it is on your side and then you should react.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by vBET View Post
    There should be no such thing as negative performance impact because of file cache. It is because File cache do not grows... We create separate file for each request URL. So each cache file is simply static HTML file (cached output for request). When your server caches more and more vBET simply creates more and more files. So each time when such file is read:
    1. It is read only result for this particular URL
    2. We even do not read it to memory - just simply stream it to client using PHP function: readfile

    Because of that even if your result page is really big - so cache file is also big, it will have no negative performance impact, because it will just stream this one file without even reading whole it into memory. So you will see advantages not disadvantages.
    Hrmm, I like the idea of caching translated data, but wouldn't it be more efficient if it used something like memcache? Instead of reading data from disk it would read it from memory.

  10. #40
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tavenger5 View Post
    Hrmm, I like the idea of caching translated data, but wouldn't it be more efficient if it used something like memcache? Instead of reading data from disk it would read it from memory.
    Supporting of existing cache libraries is on out TODO list. Also, full file cache for guests can be really large for big forums. Too large to keep it entirely in memory - we will look for solutions which will allow to combine advantages of keeping cache in memory and on disc.

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