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Thread: Translation of categorie name in URL's

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Ok, by the way, good to hear you are confirming that both lines will be further developed, and 3.x will not just be phased out after release of 4.x

  2. #12
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by krisp View Post
    Ok, by the way, good to hear you are confirming that both lines will be further developed, and 3.x will not just be phased out after release of 4.x
    No it will not We expect that some forums will use vB3.x for long time.

  3. #13


    make it simple, add a button to translate all forums and then cache it, thats simple.

  4. #14
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Not so simple. Because Google doesn't allow to cache for more than 15 days. And vBET is 100% Google compatible. After 15 days translations can be different (Google changes its algorthigms and make translations better and better) - in case of threads there is no problame, because threads URLs have included id. In case of forums (categories) - there is a problem - there is no id included. So if translation will hange you will not get 301 redirect - your incoming links will just be broken. This is the issue here.

  5. #15


    its not possible to redirect all urls forever, forget it, it would use to much system resources in big forums and if urls change often!

    its the only way, translate it, change it, and forget it. This is Google compatible, because you dont cache texts, you just cache a word, no one may notice.

    other way would be using the id's
    Last edited by; 06-07-10 at 00:07.

  6. #16
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Google TOS doesn't say about text or word caching - it says about caching Google translation results. Please note that we will not support to break Google TOS even if it is hard to detect. You can find our suggestions how it can be done at the beginning of this discussion. If you want to suggest some - please shoot Still pelase note that we will not discuss any solutions which will be agains Google TOS. Wihtout Google translations vBET doesn't exist - so it is not good deal.

  7. #17


    Youre helping Google Indexing more and more Webpages in different languages, youre helping Google!

  8. #18
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Yes - we do it. We do it anyway - with forum URLs translated or not. But breaking Google TOS can not be consiered as helpfull by Google

    Please note that the whole issue is about how vBSEO generates forms links - without ID. We support forum links translation without any issue in vBulletin 4 - because vBulletin 4 have own SEO links, which generates with ID for forums. Thanks that even if after cache flush translation will differ, there will be no issue with broken link - thanks to ID included in link vBulletin will just mad 301 redirect. So outside links will work, and also already indexed pages will not dissapear, but just wil be reinexed under new URL.

    Here whole issue is beause of weak vBSEO solution for forum links and Google TOS.

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