Yes - very easyinstall vbSEO Sitemap Generator (it is free) and modify only one file. Detailed instructions you will find here
Yes - very easyinstall vbSEO Sitemap Generator (it is free) and modify only one file. Detailed instructions you will find here
Last edited by vBET; 14-11-09 at 14:47.
First of all mod supports user default language. It is set in registration form and can be changed in User CP. So if user has set his default language, then he does nothing... Just writes posts in his language, and vBET takes care about everything. In such case - when user has set default language it is assumed that whole post (including title) is written in his default language. It will be configurable soon, but at his moment there is simple assumption: if user has set default language and it is different than forum default language, then each his message is in language which he choose as his default.
You can also create multi language messages, where only parts of message are in different languages. This is very easy - everything what you need to do it put text written in different language inside of lang BBCode. It takes one parameter which is the language code. I.e. if you want to write something in Polish, then BBCode looks like this lang=pl.
See whole example (spaces in BBCode added to avoid evaluation):
[ lang=pl]Przykład tekstu po polsku[ /lang]
This example (without spaces in BBCode) will give you such result:
There is also one more BBCode which works exactly as lang BBCode, but it's reserved for posts titles only. It is langtitle BBCode - it is used by vBET to automatically mark message of user which set theirs default language other than forum default language. It shouldn't be used manually, and if you want to use it such way, then remember to put whole message inside of lang BBCode using same language code as parameter in booth BBCodes (otherwise some parts of translated RSS channels can be not translated appropriately, but posts will be shown appropriately).
There is really one more BBCode, but it is not for translation - in fact it is to keep text not translated. If you want some text i post to be not translated, just simple out it inside of notranslate BBCode. It can be useful in case of some terms, or citation of some poems etc.
For example this text will never be translated. You can check it by clicking some translation flag - you will see this part will stay in original![]()
Last edited by vBET; 10-10-09 at 05:27.
If your forum is in subdirectory and you have pages outside it, which are handled by vBulletin, then vBET will support translation for those pages
All you have to do is set appropriate rules in .htaccess file in forum PARENT directory:
And for each subdirectory in your domain which should be supported by vBET (without forum directory itself) add this rule in .htaccess file inside of supported subdirectory:Code:RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|de|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|cy|yi)/$ index.php?language=$1&vbet_outside=true [L,QSA] RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|de|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|cy|yi)/(.*)?$ $2?language=$1&vbet_outside=true [L,QSA]
So if forum PARENT directory also have to be supported it needs all those rules.Code:RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !vbet_outside=true RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1?vbet_outside=true [L,QSA]
If you also want to keep translation tracking for those you have to:
- Turn on URL tracking outside forum directory in options in Admin CP
- Make sure that links to those pages are ABSOLUTE (so starts from http)
Also make sure that there is base tag in generated HTML output for pages outside forum directory. If not then edit template which generates those pages and add code below in any place between <head> and </head>:
Code:<if condition="!$_REQUEST['language']"><base href="$vboptions[bburl]/" /></if>
Last edited by vBET; 10-08-10 at 11:00.
You have:Fatal error: Cannot redeclare vbseo_thread_seotitle
or sometimes just blank page even in Admin CP and wonder why...
Standard response - you didn't fallow installation instructions
More precisely. As it is described here, if you integrate vBET 3.x with vBSEO by .htaccess file, you have to do full integration by following instructions in installation manual from section vBSEO Integration.
You MUST edit FORUM_ROOT/includes/functions_vbseo_createurl.php file as described in manual (readme.html in installation package). Very simple - just copy 2 lines. After that everything will work again.
Last edited by vBET; 19-02-10 at 06:07.
If everything was working well and suddenly it not then one possibility is that you have issue with your translation provider (others are: some configuration was changed, new mod added, some software updated).
To check this, upload the appropriate file from the package vBET do-not-upload/tools/providers-tests/. In this directory contains files for testing providers translations.
Example test for googleapiv2:
- Upload file test_googleapiv2.php to forum directory.
- Open a browser page:
Code:YourForumAddress/test_googleapiv2.php- If everything is ok you will get answer:
Code:Starting transaltion test Test result: {"responseData": {"translatedText":"Welcom"}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200} Test error:
In case of error check that you have the correct API key in Admin CP -> vBET -> Translation Providers.
Last edited by Marcin Kalak; 23-10-13 at 18:40.
Is that the server timed out and closed the connection.
Set variable wait_timeout for mysql server to higher value.
Here you can find a full solution:
MySQL server gone away error explained
You need to integrate and change vbseo functions files:
the full instruction you have in do-not-upload folder (readme.html) - Part of the vBSEO integration (Integration with other mods)
If you have in your URL:
Probably you use IE browser. IE browser wrong shows url with dialectical characters.Code:caracter%C3%ADstica
Try to check this link in another browser (Opera, Firefox) - it will look nice there.
This is a browser issue. Google crawls this link correctly (with dialectical characters).
Last edited by vBET; 05-07-10 at 06:59.
Since version 4.4.0 vBET supports many translation providers. By default only Google will be used, but it is easy to change.
So to support other translation APIs jut go to Admin CP -> vBET -> Translation Providers and turn off option Use Google ONLY. This is only step which is necessary to support other translation APIs
After that vBET will use other translation API always when it is possible. So if some translation is supported only by Google, then Google will be used, BUT if other supported API is able to do the translation then by default ALWAYS will be chosen other provider than Google.
You are also able to determine which exactly provider should be used for specific language pair (From-To). And you are able to do this for each possible language pair. So if you want to have full control and determine yourself which translation engine should be used for language pair, then you can do it by configuration files from directory vbet_translation_options. Each file includes language code at the end of name and this determines 'From'. To determine 'To' you have to open the file and change appropriate line in php table.
For example. If you want to set translation from English to Polish to be done by Microsoft Translation API. Then:
1. Open file /vbet_translation_options/vbenterprisetranslator_from_en.php
2. Find line with Polish language code mapping and set name of chosen translator:
So this sets Microsoft Translation API as translation provider for translations made 'From' English (en), 'To' Polish (pl). Piece of cakeCode:'pl'=>'Microsoft',
Of course this will work only when option Use Google ONLY is disabled. This is just example - please remember that you do NOT have to do this. By default it is already set to not use Google whenever it is possible.
Also please keep in mind that some translation APIs can require to set some identification parameter. All such parameters, with detailed description you will find in options group Admin CP -> vBET -> Translation Providers
NOTE: since vBET 3.5.1 and vBET 4.4.3 vBET supports providers queue. Everywhere where language pair is supported by more than one provider, you will see comma separated values with providers names. For example:
It means that as long as Microsoft is available vBET will use Microsoft and if it is not available then vBET will automatically switch to Google. In such case vBET marks provider as unavailable and checks every hour (by scheduled task) is it available now. If yes, then vBET will switch back to preferred provider.Code:'pl'=>'Microsoft,Google',
You are able to change order in providers queue or remove some provider at all from there. Please note that you cannot use spaces between values.
This way vBET will be able to provide translations even after limits in one provider are reach.
Also in case when all providers are unavailable vBET will use dummy translator which simply displays original text. So in such case you can see not translated text on translated pages. It is better strategy that displaying empty texts and something must be displayed. Please note that such results will not be cached, so test will switch to translated as soon as any translation provider will be available again.
Last edited by r.dziadusz; 05-10-11 at 16:36.
1. Add to vBET ignored pages as many content as you think is not important for translations
Example of some pages which can be considered not important for translation by some forum owners: member pages, calendar, photo galleries.
2. Use free translation services first
Use first free version of translations API: Apertium, Microsoft-than turn on paid Google API v2
3. Limit supported languages to those which you think are most important for your forum. And even then limit it more - after time you can add more languages if you find that costs are OK for you. Add new ones from time to time when your cache is full
We provide support for 53 languages but for some forum smaller amount is better, also you can cache your data as long as you want, so you can add new languages one after another, without reaching your limits!
4. Do not clear your database cache and disable automatic cleaning
Remember to improve value of cache ttl or even disable it(0) - you can find it here: admincp -> vBET Cache -> Database Cache ->Cache Time To Live (TTL)
5. Avoid translation of SPAM, by verifying posts until those are published.
Not translating, unwanted information will reduce your number of translations!
6. Look for other translation services which Terms Of Service allows to add it into vBET and let us know about those - will gladly support as many translation APIs as possible
We are seeking for new free translation providers, help us and help yourself, make us know about new translation providers! Now vBET is created in way to support many providers, therefore if terms of use let us implement it, we will do it!
7. Reduce your amount of request per second (Only for Google translations API v2)
You have to change and increase this , but remeber to big value will slow down your forum dramticaly: admincp -> vbet -> translation options -> Delay between
8. If you are using Google API v2, set your own limits
You can set your own limits, and control your translation costs! Just go: -> Quotas
9. (Since 3.6.2) Turn on option Don't translate numbers.
Enabling this option will reduce the cost of translations, because will be made less translations.
Last edited by Marcin Kalak; 04-10-12 at 19:09.