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Thread: Banned for licence violation - Credit link!

  1. #11
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Snake2 View Post
    I appreciate your reply, but i still dont understand, i have fixed the link issue, there is nothing to investigate, I am not breaking the licence agreement as there is a link.

    There is no violation. This is bizare, you wont even let me buy branding free, it's crazy. Why would any businessman stop customers from spending more money. Weird.
    Please trust us that we also feel very uncomfortable in actual situation. And as you know very well account was blocked not to block your possibility of additional shopping, but to be able to communicate with you again, because our messages was ignored.

    Our previous answer was not to convince you about anything, but to show you the image of situation hoping that you will understand our actions - not approve it.

    We understand and checked that you put credit link (what is obvious not made by vBET engine). It still doesn't solve the issue does license was violated (and we have strong reasons to think so) in which case we have some rights given by our legal agreement. Rights which we do not have to ask for. Violation which we do not have to investigate. But as we already let you know we will never decide to let it go under threat. So please give us your official statement about you payment for vBET license and then we will continue our discussion.

  2. #12
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Snake2 View Post
    What do you mean Michael?

    There is no payment issue, we are happy if you simply unblock the account so we can upgrade new version on release today, then if good get new licences for other forums.

    We are happy, no payment issue just want account working again.

    Thank you!
    Maybe I simple misunderstood - in such situation sorry for mistake. I thought that your intention was to reverse payment. I have 2 at night on my time and issue it not light one

    So just to be clear - is reversing payment is under consideration or not?

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Official statement about payment? I dont understand what you mean. I already paid. I'm finding this really upsetting. I do not have much money and now you stop me using this software and i have done nothing wrong. You can see link I added to fix issue. And I have paid you months ago.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Why would i reverse payment if i have working licence... no reason, i want updates so will not reverse payment if i am happy and licence is not banned.

    Also i didnt get your messages as i did not login for a few weeks, and this forum doesnt send messages to my email inbox for some reason.
    Last edited by Snake2; 08-04-10 at 01:35.

  5. #15
    Junior Member
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    I think the reason normal link isnt working is we have a modified template that makes copyrights all in a line and in nice box so that maybe causing problem.


    my template;

    copyright 1 - copyright 2 - copyright 3

    normall vb template;

    copyright 1
    copyright 2
    copyright 3

    either way you have nice link with great anchor text. so all is good for vbet.

  6. #16
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Please note that no one stops you using vBET at this moment. You are using it now and used it all the time when issue existed and you was not responding.

    As we wrote all the time whole intention of blocking your account on this forum (not blocking vBET usage - you're still using it now) was to explain the situation. And it happen only because you stopped answering, with your last response on level "get lost" (you didn't wrote it literally - that was only our impression).

    Yes we know that you paid for product. We asked about your threat that you will remove payment. For what according to our license agreement you have no right when license is revoked for violation. So if such reversal would possibly happen it would be a fraud made on payment system and it would take many unpleasant consequences for you.
    That is why we we asked about it - just to be sure are you willing to made fraud or not.

    I understand that you have no such intention And even if it was written before it was statement made without remembering license agreement.

    OK so - in such case please just keep attention on license agreement and please notify us if you find that something is wrong on vBET side. If you are long in this business (I believe that you do) then you know that our license is really easy according to license possibilities for some products, so we do nothing unusual. It is how software market looks ant it was made this way by law and software piracy fighting. Your account will be unbanned tomorrow (sorry but have to finish some things now and it is almost 3 at night on my time). Please remind me if I forgot (do not send reminder now - I assume that on our email account is lot mails from you about the issue so I will just remove it).

    Once again very sorry for all your troubles and hope that even if you do not approve our way, you do understand why we made those steps and maybe even down deep appreciate that we only made temporary account ban not license revoke with all other possible steps...
    That was just to made myself feeling better

    In case of any issues with vBET, please feel free to send posts in troubleshooting or bug report sections

    I just find your previous post - thanks for note. Please put the rest on PM level or into troubleshooting section if new vBET version will have same issue.
    Last edited by vBET; 08-04-10 at 01:59.

  7. #17
    Junior Member
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    Thank you.

  8. #18
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Done - have fun Hope that new version will meet your performance expectations.

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    How do i stop urls being translated in this version like i asked before here >

    This should really be option in admincp.

  10. #20
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Please open new thread for this in feature requests - our answer can be helpful also for other users.

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