Information from Users: Here you have the errors on the forum - Page 236 When using longer fastings appear error: Code: Catchable fatal error: Argument 3 passed to vbet_containsSeparated() must be an instance of int, integer given, called in /usr/local/www/apache24/data/ on line 158 and defined in /usr/local/www/apache24/data/ on line 173 In file vbenterprisetranslator_functions_detection.php marked as a comment the following lines: Code: //if(vbet_containsSeparated($message, $ignoredLen, $index)) {^M //$message = substr_replace($message, ''.$ignored.'' $index, $ignoredLen);^M //$index += VBET_NOTRANSLATE_LENGTH;^M //}^M The solution helped but I do not know whether or not oznaczylem comments something important?
Catchable fatal error: Argument 3 passed to vbet_containsSeparated() must be an instance of int, integer given, called in /usr/local/www/apache24/data/ on line 158 and defined in /usr/local/www/apache24/data/ on line 173
//if(vbet_containsSeparated($message, $ignoredLen, $index)) {^M //$message = substr_replace($message, ''.$ignored.'' $index, $ignoredLen);^M //$index += VBET_NOTRANSLATE_LENGTH;^M //}^M
You zakomentowałeś wrapping words/phrases from incoming messages in notranslate bbcode. If your file vbenterprisetranslator_functions_detection.php is surely the current? This function should be as follows: PHP Code: if(vbet_containsSeparated($message,$ignoredLen, $index)) { $message = substr_replace($message, '[notranslate]'.$ignored.'[/notranslate]', $index, $ignoredLen); $index += VBET_NOTRANSLATE_LENGTH; } You can try to download the latest vBET and update the file (i see that you are using the latest version). If you do not ignore words/operative part in AdminCP->vBET->Translation Options->Ignored words/sentences It then this feature is not theoretically you need.
if(vbet_containsSeparated($message,$ignoredLen, $index)) { $message = substr_replace($message, '[notranslate]'.$ignored.'[/notranslate]', $index, $ignoredLen); $index += VBET_NOTRANSLATE_LENGTH; }
Last edited by Marcin Kalak; 18-05-17 at 15:49.
Unfortunately I Ignore words. Because instead of the Alfa Romeo translators me Alpha Romeo. How to do this to be ok? Before purchasing and installing the latest version (a few days ago) used free version. Can therefore such pot plants?
The best download again the latest version vBET and all the files from a folder Upload Replace them on the server .
To resolve this issue: 1) open file: includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions_detection.php 2) Find the line: PHP Code: function vbet_containsSeparated($text, $ignoredLen, int $index) { 3) Replace the: PHP Code: function vbet_containsSeparated($text, $ignoredLen, $index) { This change will be implemented in the next release vBET. Please note that to wrappers old words in marker [notranslate) use the option AdminCP->vBET Tools->Opaque Ignored Words.
function vbet_containsSeparated($text, $ignoredLen, int $index) {
function vbet_containsSeparated($text, $ignoredLen, $index) {
Last edited by Marcin Kalak; 27-05-17 at 09:05.
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