Please paste test result Microsoft Translator API:
test_apertium.phpCode:Starting test for Microsft Translation API by Azure Test result: "ArgumentException: No bearer information found in the token : ID=5641.V2_Json.Translate.11735732" Test error: Connection time (ms): 89.697021484375
test_detectlanguage.phpCode:Starting translation test for Apertium Test result: {"responseData":{"translatedText":null},"responseDetails":"Unexpected Error: null","responseStatus":500} Test error: Connection time (ms): 17197.694091797
test_yandex.phpCode:Starting detection test for DetectLanguage API Test result: {"data":{"detections":[{"language":"pl","isReliable":true,"confidence":24.09}]}} Test error: Connection time (ms): 375.67211914062
Code:Starting translation test for Yandex Test result: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Translation code="200" lang="en-de"><text>Sein oder nicht sein?</text><text>Das ist die Frage.</text></Translation> Test error: Connection time (ms): 343.7978515625
Microsoft's test result suggests an incorrect key. Check key for Microsoft API. See: and
The result Apertium says that the service was temporarily unavailable. Apertium servers often fall. Try to do the test later.
The result DetectLanguage and Yandex says that all was well.
Last edited by Fabiano; 10-06-15 at 16:52.
I recommend sending such photos on the PM.
You must write contents of Client ID field in AdminCP->vBET->vBET Translation Providers->Microsoft FREE/Commercial Translation API key by Azure and write contents of Client Secret field in AdminCP->vBET->vBET Translation Providers->Microsoft FREE/Commercial Translation API secret by Azure.
Make sure that content of Client ID is the same as content of Microsoft FREE/Commercial Translation API key by Azure and content of Client Secret is the same as content of Microsoft FREE/Commercial Translation API secret by Azure.
Last edited by Marcin Kalak; 10-06-15 at 16:39.
No response - considered the issue is gone. If not please write here.
I'm glad I could help you.