The free version of vBET still works.
The free version can be downloaded here vBET 2.3.x and here vBET 2.4.x.
To download free version vBET need to log in to your account with an assigned license vB (more info).
If you have an issue with the free version, please create a new thread in the appropriate section.
The free version of vBET still works.
The free version can be downloaded here vBET 2.3.x and here vBET 2.4.x.
To download free version vBET need to log in to your account with an assigned license vB (more info).
If you have an issue with the free version, please create a new thread in the appropriate section.
If you have an issue with the free version of vBET, you create a new topic in a forum in appropriate section. Please, you describe in more detail what is not working.