Are you testing it as a guest?
Have you cleaned up the guest cache?
Do you have disabled translation new threads?
Which link causes header 303?
Are you testing it as a guest?
Have you cleaned up the guest cache?
Do you have disabled translation new threads?
Which link causes header 303?
The latest version of vBET should have been translated links under the flags for guests and should not be redirected.
Make sure that you have enabled Guest cache (
You make sure that the files are created in the guest cache in the appropriate folders.
Before each test, clear the files in the guest cache and have an enabled translation.
Last edited by Marcin Kalak; 29-07-13 at 11:16.
Right - I'm using the latest version and my guest cache is enabled and working properly.
The problem has something to do with the way vbet handles url encoding for special characters. Note that in the example provided on the previous page the $ in the URL stays, but in the translated URL's it changes to %24
Original:$25-plan-vs-all-others.html$25-plan-vs-all-others.html <--- watch it change
It suppose to be changed, because it was not translated, so it's redirected to translated one (note that after redirection there are different - translated words and also $ changes its place - result of translation).
Please see this happens everywhere - even when there is no special character in URL. Example:
Check what is under the flag and how looks URL at the end. There also is redirection.Code:
The issue is that you have not translated links under the flags, when those should be translated. Please send access details by PM to Marcin Kalak and he will check why that happens. So we know what the issue is and now we have to check why it happens and correct it. We are not able to do this on our test environment, because there everything is OK.
Last edited by vBET; 29-07-13 at 23:05.
No response - considered the issue is gone. If not please write here.
Sent PM. Sorry for the delay.
The issue is that you do not have our rules in .htaccess.
Add to your .htaccess file:
Code:RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/?(..|zh-CN|zh-TW)/$ vbenterprisetranslator_seo.php?vbet_lang=$1&redirected=/ [L,QSA] RewriteRule ^/?(..|zh-CN|zh-TW)/(.*)?$ vbenterprisetranslator_seo.php?vbet_lang=$1&redirected=/$2 [L,QSA] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(admincp/|modcp/|vbseo_sitemap/|cron) RewriteRule ^((archive/)?(.*\.php(/.*)?))$ vbenterprisetranslator_seo.php [L,QSA] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^(admincp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images)/ RewriteRule $ vbenterprisetranslator_seo.php [L,QSA]
Please paste the contents of that file here or in PM.