This article describes the Manual Translations
This article describes the use and configuration of manual translations. For automatic translation description please see here: How does it works - manual about multi language support.

Manual Translation functionality allows you to improve translation quality, reduce its cost or even eliminate translation costs completely. Manual Translation functionality allows your forum users to change automatic translation or translate sentences which where not translated yet.

Options for Users:
  • Users from allowed usergroups will see button (under the flags), which allows to turn on/off Manual Translation:
  • To edit text, move mouse cursor over the text and click "Edit" button:
  • After translating message just confirm it:
  • From now on your corrected version will appear instead of the automatic translation.

Options for Administrators:
To give permission to use Manual Translation configure Admin CP -> vBET Manual Translations -> Options. By default, manual translations are available for Super Moderators, Administrators, Moderators. Be sure to appropriately set the database cache - all the steps are described in Admin CP -> vBET Manual Translations -> Options. To add a group, enter the usergroup id and click on save button:

History of manual translation is stored in Admin CP -> vBET Manual Translation -> History:

When you click on the translation history, you can remove history, revert history or ban user and revert history:

Please note that Manual Translation history can be cleaned automatically - you just have to configure its time to live using
Admin CP -> vBET Manual Translations -> Options -> History Time to Live (TTL).
y default automatic cleaning of Manual Translation history is disabled.