Because lot of our customers just cannot wait when new, better and even faster version of vBET will be released we decided to made changes in scheduleIn fact - our clients are who gives direction for our product.
So vBET 3.3.0 will be released next week (probably at the end). We made there many performance optimizations (better DB, less CPU, less memory), added new functionalities and corrected some bugs. Please note that we still have long list of things which we planned to do for vBET 3.3.0 - those will be switched to 3.4.0, and after 3.4.0 we will made vBET 4.0.0 (for vBulletin 4.0). So at the end vBET 4.0 will be released in same time and you will have faster the optimized version - vBET 3.3.0
Because of that not all things which was marked as to be done in 3.3.0 really will be. So if some feature request, or bug report will not be closed it means that we shifter id to vBET 3.4.0
Since our customers already get used to simple updates we think that it is really good solution, to give you improved version faster - even if we still have some improvements in out plans![]()