Again, strange things happen to me in google. Previously, the command site: ... I had 150,000 results, and now suddenly 24,600. And so I suspect that this is the translator should, in particular, translated the url addresses. I base their suspicions on the fact that the flags are hidden links to the topics, but not in a form such as for example, I have a topic: ... /lottery-league-pes-2010-pc-23209.html link under the flag indicates the topic: ... /en/.../lottery-league-pes-2010-pc-23209.html and it really comes to a different address: ... /en/.../random-leagues-pes-2010-pc-23209.html Randomly browsed the results on google and there is literally no forum topic in another language. These forums, tags, pages vbcmps, but no theme. Normally tragedy. Could you bring me this - perhaps - the wrong reason? or Can I disable the url address translation, or - which would be much better - way to tell that the flags were the same addresses that are on the page.
Hello. Such jumps occur in the indexing in Google - especially when Google changed the algorithm, or refresh their indexes. Often quickly return the other indexes. Send links, there is nothing to do with it because when you start to not link not translated, and the finish on the translated vBET doing a 301 redirect which clearly states that the site was permanently redirected. Additionally, such redirection is only when you change the translation, being already in the thread (links are not translated into all languages for performance reasons). If you change the view of translation in the forum, it links are already translated. However, now may actually be a reason because of which Google may prefer not translated pages indexed - if you're using vBSEO and it turned the canonical link is the cause. With this configuration vBSEO header adds a link saying that the real address is the address without the addition of the language. And if you have it turned on a Google translated page will be treated as something which should be at a different address - an address that is already being indexed directly there. Problem with canonical link that you add by vBSEO already been reported and resolved - will be included in vBET 3.3.0 Until then you can disable vBSEO canonical link, or just wait This confirms the thesis that vBSEO does not add to selected canonical url tags - because they have indexed.
Last edited by vBET; 08-01-10 at 12:24.
Thank you, but somehow this answer does not satisfy me. I'm using vBSEO, but I had and I have disabled Canonical URLs, but translated pages are indexed in a tragic way, not to say that they are not indexed at all. After 1.5 m, ca work vBET 3.2 and 1 / 2 years on vBET 2.x on request "Site: http://..../en/" Google returns the results: Results 1 - 10 of about 114 ! "Site: http://..../zh-CN/" Google returns the results: Results 1 - 10 of about 158 ! of which 2 / 3 is part of vbcmps ... a day on the forum there is ~ 50 new topics. I do not think so it should work vBET, because when such action "get more traffic, users and incomes from AdSense!" You can move between a fairy tale.
The additional traffic is not a fairy tale just a fact. See here: Forum - View Single Post - vB Enterprise Translator And also here: vBET does not index pages. No software on the forum does not index pages. Pages crawl only robots that are outside of your infrastructure. Robots can give hints poprzes sitemap.xml, robots.txt, 301 redirects, or canonical link. I understand you have a canonical link, and you were disabled. Please enter a URL to a forum and content of the robots.txt
Last edited by vBET; 09-01-10 at 05:52.
Originally Posted by vBET The additional traffic is not a fairy tale just a fact. See here: Forum - View Single Post - vB Enterprise Translator And also here: vBET does not index pages. No software on the forum does not index pages. Pages crawl only robots that are outside of your infrastructure. Robots can give hints poprzes sitemap.xml, robots.txt, 301 redirects, or canonical link. I understand you have a canonical link, and you were disabled. Please enter a URL to a forum and content of the robots.txt Thank you for the - as usual terse - the answer, I asked for guidance on what my problem ... Fortunately, he has already worked it out with this problem. Resolved. ps. Website address should probably know, if only because of the fact that the license and address of the page is assigned to my nick in this forum
Hello. My intention is never a laconic administration information. If so, you have received a pardon. The intention of the administration is clear and transparent information. Pigmentation may obscure the same statement. In fact - our system has a message forum on the address associated with the license. Next time there zaglądnę I'm glad you found a solution - if you can share it with others, if anyone else had a similar problem?
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