I know you've marked this solved but i've been unable to get on your site when trying a few times!
The issue seems to be that vbet is not closing processes properly and leaving lots of them open, Apache then asseses how many child processes it needs and creates them ready pretty soon because of all the calls to vbenterprisetranslator_seo.php and all the processes it's leaving open the load on the server goes up.
I have moved server to a more powerful server and the load still exists, the new hosts say the same as the old one "get your software provider to optimise vbenterprisetranslator_seo.php for the sever and any files that it calls"
I can't keep this up, paying for translations and now £200/month for the server it's killing me, what do i need to do to get vbet to close it's calls on the processes properly?