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Thread: Circular checking and switching of APIs to keep flow of translations

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Does it need to be a scheduled task and one particular provider turned off for an hour at a time?, i made a suggestion here Circular checking and switching of APIs to keep flow of translations where perhaps we could always start at the top of our providers list and make test call (like the one you provided to test Google response and Microsoft response) if test call response is 200 or text is translated then use that provider, if the response is not 200 or test text is not translated (using the same text for each test and the REGEX to check the translated text) then move to next provider, every translation call can then start at the top of the list and work down

    Not having an empty result would be good because once we have an empty return thats how it remains, i've already had many people complaining that this is the case in my forum.

  2. #12
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    It doesn't have to be this way, it is right now. Thanks for your note. Still - no. It has no sense. Please note that asking for external translation is more time consuming thing in whole vBET (and it is not up to us). There is no sense to mad thousands of request when we already reach limits. This would increaser response time, CPU consumption and memory consumption also (more object created).

    We discovered that Google information about probably abuse TOS disappears after some time. We don't know but maybe if we will keep asking when we are already blocked, Google can block for more time. Maybe not, but still actual strategy is much better for performance. At the end you have circular checking. If one is not available it is marked as unavailable and another is used. If another is not available then same thing happens. We just do not check is it available again each request what has no sense (it can be millions of queries before it will be available) just once per hour. And if it will be available it will me marked so we will go back to preferred one - and you have a circle here. Also testing each time will made your limits reached faster or costs higher if you use paid translations (it still counts as translation).
    Also we are prepared to have other providers too. When we will support more than 2 such strategy will be a killer for your server. Imagine 5 testing calls to different providers and then real translation for each translation request. No. Thanks for your idea We really appreciate users ideas, this time we will stay with actual solution.

    Please note that you can change how often vBET should check providers availability. Now it is one per hour, but you can reconfigure that in Admin CP -> Scheduled Tasks -> Scheduled Task Manager and set it for example for every 10 minutes 0 just like task RSS Poster Robot do it now.

  3. #13
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Little change made - we will check provider availability not once per hour but every 10 minutes. If you already upgraded to vBET 3.5.1 before this message please just download vBET package again and upload product file again.

    The change was made because we found on our real forum that often provider is unavailable for short time. We will investigate it more to look for another improvements.

  4. #14
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Great work guys , i have upgraded to this but will download the latest fix and use that, i will create a new thread for feedback on this.

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