Your Microsoft translation api ID is correct, this kind of error appears here: msdn-issue Please read it. But your google test looks good. Also if you pm your account acces I could seek for any internal problem
Your Microsoft translation api ID is correct, this kind of error appears here: msdn-issue Please read it. But your google test looks good. Also if you pm your account acces I could seek for any internal problem
Last edited by r.dziadusz; 03-10-11 at 08:45.
i see but i have always use google set and using api v2 so would i always hit my limit? i also have ggogle api v2 as the detection
Do I understand you correct - you didn't use Microsoft? It wasn't never turned on, on your forum? Please note that Microsoft have monthly limits, so of you reach your limit you have to wait until next time period. It is not daily limit. But if you never used Microsoft before then you shouldn't reach the limit. Please clarify - you are not using it now or you didn't use it at all.
Michael, i am currently NOT using Microsoft, i have vBET set to Use Google Only, Detection Google API V2, Use Google API V2, prior to that i used V1, running the link for Microsoft now produces a translation but its sporadic, if you consider you say they are monthly limits then of course my limits should not yet be reset until November 1st.
I do have my character limit for google set to 100,000 perday so with my settings above when i reach that limit and no longer get results from paid google would the free APIs then start producing results?
The limits are not on our side but on Microsoft side. Information that there is monthly limit is taken from here: InvalidOperationException: : ID=3644.V2_Json.TranslateArray.2485281C
Ant you are right I made little mistake - the full information is:
So you have also hourly limits. Sorry for little disinformation - I should read it more carefully. Does Microsoft have any other limits - please ask Microsoft. At this moment I'm not aware about other limits. If you got the error message form Microsoft then it means that you reach some of their limits. Please contact with Microsoft for more detailed information - it is them who gives you error for appropriate request. I cannot explain them. It is 3rd party. In case of wrong key error message is different what you can simply check.volume restrictions on free use, at 4 million characters a month and not more than 400K per hour
Also please note that it doesn't have to be November 1st - we do not know details about when new time period is started. Is it per calendar month, or it is sum of last 30 days, or other way... Really have no idea how Microsoft manage it - please ask Microsoft if more details are needed. Anyway if it is form last 30 days then it would allow you each day to made new requests (if you didn't use whole limit in one day).
Last edited by vBET; 04-10-11 at 00:15.
Ok Michael, i'll start a feature request, you can mark this thread solved for me as it no longer serves any purpose
I've tried to investigate this error more carefully but it is impossible.Starting translation test MS
Test result: "InvalidOperationException: : ID=3641.V2_Json.Translate.365033CA"
Test error:
Connection time (ms): 237.756103516
You have to ask Microsoft yourself, becouse it could also be internal microsoft issue, if you are sure you didn't reach your limits:
To do that please write an email to :
Describe your problem - use error from test
Send your Microsoft Translation API ID - this is mainly way i cannot do it by myself
Write your volume of translations sent to service in characters or MB/hour and chars or MB/day
Last edited by r.dziadusz; 05-10-11 at 11:16.