I know we planned to release first vBET3.x but Google already gave new Translation API v2 (paid one) so we had to adopt our plans to actual situation. vBET 3.x will have those changes in next release
So this release adds support for Google Translation API v2. At this moment it supports 3 translation API:
- Google Translation API v1 (available only until December 1st 2011)
- Google Translation API v2 (paid one)
- Microsoft Translation API (free)
Right now if you want to use paid Google API then you must turn on Google Translation API v2 manually right now (Admin CP->vBET->Translation Providers->Use Google API v2. After December 1st we will remove this option, since there will be no choice anymore.
Since this release for new installations default vBET configuration uses only free languages - so those supported by Microsoft Translation API. Also by default cache time to live is 90 days (since Google Translation API v1 is not used by default we do not have 15 days cache limit – still in parameter description there is not about this limitation for Google Translation API v1 users). Also new option is available for cache cleaning - you can tell which tables should be cleaned. Thanks that is you want to have free and paid translations, you can have cleaned cache for free translations and keep it up to date with growing quality. In same time you will not remove translations which you paid for, so you will not have to paid over and over again for same translationThis is also default vBET configuration - so only tables for Microsoft translations are cleaned now. If you still use Google Translation API v1 please turn on cleaning for rest of languages to respect Google Terms Of Service (15 days caching limit).
Please note that new default values for old parameters have no impact on forums during update (you will have your old value). Still for new parameters (like which tables should be cleaned) you will have our default values, because you had no previous value there.
So in short words: this release is prepared to give you free translations and allows by changing configuration to support all 53 languages.
- Support for Google Translation API v2
- Configuration for cache cleaning (which languages should be cleaned)
- Default vBET configuration prepared for free translations
Bugs Corrected:
- Comments for CMS articles (http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.co...-articles.html)