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Thread: ¿How to configure a editor button for product bbcodes?

  1. #1

    Default ¿How to configure a editor button for product bbcodes?

    I live in a bilingual region wich shares spanish and catalan as languages.

    Spanish is set as default forum language, but many users can contextually change from spanish to catalan depending on wich thread/forums are visiting.

    Many users would profit of a post editor button that would just insert catalan product bbcodes in desired messages.

    [lang=ca] .... [/lang]

    I have tried to agregate this button by hand but text is only inserted in message (bbcodes) and not executed as product command.

    Is there a simple solution for this?

    Last edited by forosmb; 16-07-11 at 14:56.

  2. #2
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    There are possible simple solutions to the issue you have:
    1. Turn on automatic language detection (vBET options in Admin CP) - users will just write messages and vBET will opaque it in lang BBCode automatically
    2. Force users to set their default language (also option in vBET) - when user has set his default language other that forum language then vBET automatically add to editor BBCode option (not like button, but like radio button - wrap into language or not) - you can see how it works even on our forum - just set your default language to other than English (use User CP).

    Please tell do you need more help?

  3. #3
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    No answer - considered solved. If not please write here

  4. #4


    Thanks for replying.

    None of those solutions adapt 100% to my needs though.

    I wouldn't like to force my users to choose language in profile, as most of them change writing language among threads or topics.

    Moreover, google auto language detect doesn't fit either. It only applies to posts tagged as [lang] and with most of users without profile language assigned, this way is not functional.

    I have another relevant issue, wich is that once language is selected in profile it can be reverted to "not selected". I insist my users do not have a fixed language use or profile (it is a real bilingual context) and after testing configuration they see a fixed asignation that they can revert. We'd need a fix for that.

    My suggestion of language tag button on editor is more flexible and offers functionlity more "on demand" to users from my point of view.

    You should also be aware that adding secondary usergroups the way your product does affects very commonly usergroup albums configuration. "0" default for albums image size means unlimited size and overides any other posible usergroup album preset. It is part of vBulletin usergroup mechanics, but it would be best to create new language usergroups with some fixed no infinite size album permission.

    Thanks for your support.

  5. #5
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Google auto detect works only for messages which are NOT tagged as [ lang] (there is no need to check if it is already set). It is implemented to set [ lang] for the user message automatically and it works for all users no matter do they have set their default language or not. You misunderstood how it works. If you think it works wrong no your forum - please open new thread for new issue.

    Please open new threads for your new issues - this will allow us to mange your issues separately and keep clean issue history. We are not able to manage many issues in one thread. So please open new threads for usergroup issue and auto detect if you think is working wrong on your forum.

    Please note that adding button for language BBCode has some issues. Do you really want to force your user each time to click the button and select one of 53 languages, finding it first of course on such long list. Please note that actual solution do not supper such issue. And it is done in purpose to avoid such issue. Also such "on demand" functionality has no purpose at all. Who will write his messages in different languages? Each message in different language and each time select in which message it is?... Ever if someone want it is better to use auto detection for this than force user to select it himself.

    You do not want to force you user to set default language, but want to force him to do this each time he writes message?... Also you do not have to force your user to set default language - please use automatic language detection. It is designed for such cases and it is working OK. You misunderstood how it works.

    User default language is not default vBulletin language use. It has no influence on anything but editors. Why you want to unset it?

  6. #6


    I don't need buttons for 53 languages, just for one non implicit one.
    And I wouldn't force user to anything. In worst case I could myself edit and add tags with one simple click, now unaffordable.

    I'll open thread on automatic translation issue as indeed it is not working ok in my forum.

  7. #7
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    So if you want it just for one language then please note that vBET automatically adds something like that. If user has chosen his default language and it is other that forum default language, then vBET will add to each editor option which will allow to automatically opaque user message in lang BBCode. It is not button but radio button - allowing to turn on (it is set by default) or turn it off. You can see how it works on our forum by setting your default language to other than English.

    When it is used then editor sends additional data to server. It is parameter named vbet_postInLanguage and it's value is language code which should be included in lang BBCode. So if you want to set your own button then you can send by editor form this data when button is set, or you can define button with client side logic (Java Script) which will wrap/unwrap in editor when button is set/unset. It seems to be simper to just set/unset value for hidden vbet_postInLanguage field (which you can add with your button).
    It will not require any Java Scripts at all if your button will be checkbox field (instead of hidden one which value is set by button). This seems to be the easiest way - vBET when gets this parameter set will take care about wrapping message in lang BBCode on server side

    I will go to your new threads to support your other issues. Do you need any more support with this one?

  8. #8


    Thanks for your support. I can't see the radio button language choice in my 3.7.3 version forum.I'll try to activate it.We deal anyway a complex situation. Most bilingual users wouldn't like to see any post translated among both well known languages.But we need to mark in some way catalan posts to offer translations to some only spanish speakers users.In conjuction with automatic detection, we'd benefit for an option of "zero" flag that would avoid any translltion to user.That way both catalan and spanish posts would appear in original versions, and only foreigner and non bilingual readers would require translation activation of the forum.I apreciate your product and I think is a great job. I admit our needs are pretty peculiar but we want users to be really comfortable with language configuration of the site.

  9. #9


    I see line feeds are lost when editing posts in this forum.

  10. #10
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    If you want to have 0 flag then please use notranslate BBCode it will not be translated AT ALL - it means not to any language. Please consider is it what you really want - if you support also other languages (not only those 2) then much messages will be not translated at all.

    This is example of notranslate BBCode usage: This will not be translated at all

    Also translation for bilingual users shouldn’t be a problem - you have included original message.

    If you wan for example messages in Catalan not translated on language X (but for others translated) then you will have to:
    1. have those messages marked as Catalan
    2. modify vBET code for BBCode handling by adding condition which will return original text for this translation pair.

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