
Because vBET will support also other translations APIs, it is required to include appropriate information about it in vBET license. Please note that license changes are compatible with previous license - it only applies other translation APIs usage. So as long as you will not turn on other translations APIs there is nothing new for you

1 ) Just after Note added:
Note 2: vBET since version 4.4.0 and 3.5.0 is available to use also other Translation APIs. If you enable it, then using vBET you are also bound by Terms of Use from ALL used translations APIs. Actually supported: Google and Microsoft
2) In section Disclaimer of Warranty is changed this part:
vBET works using Google Translation Service and you must be allowed to use it. SIMPLE Podbielski Michał gives you no refunds in case if your forum is blocked/banned or limited in any other way to Google Translation Services. If you want, you can check on our vBET 2.x free version, does Google Translation Service is accessible for your forum before purchase of vBET 3.x/4.x, but you still will have no right to any refund if your forum access to Google Translation Services will be limited in any way during usage of vBET 3.x/4.x. SIMPLE Podbieski Michał is not responsible in any way for Google Translation Services results or it's performance and accessibility.
to this part:
vBET is using EXTERNAL translation services (translation APIs). Since version 4.4.0 and 3.5.0 vBET is able to use many translation APIs (actually supported: Google and Microsoft Translation API). You must be allowed to use supported translation APIs which you configure to be used by vBET. SIMPLE Podbielski Michał gives you no refunds in case if your forum is blocked/banned or limited in any other way to any of used Translation Services, even in case if some/all supported translation services will be closed. If you want, you can check on our vBET 2.x free version, does Google Translation Service is accessible for your forum before purchase of vBET 3.x/4.x, but you still will have no right to any refund if your forum access to any Translation Services will be limited in any way during usage of vBET 3.x/4.x. SIMPLE Podbieski Michał is not responsible in any way for any of used Translation Services results or it's performance and accessibility.
As always whole actual license agreement you can find here: vBET 3.x/4.x License