In this release just few bugs corrected - one important for SEO. Also because we don't have any open bugs for this version and it is 3 months after 3.4.0 release – this version is considered stable.
Bugs corrected
- Issue with '\u200b' corrected
- Encoding issue for searching parameters (http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.co...t-english.html)
- Original text displayed in JavaScript for translations with PHP bbcode
- White page for some redirections (rare, but happened)
- Wrong redirects with guest cache (http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.co...-properly.html)
- Removing not translated area comments (http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.co...-language.html)
If you are updating from vBET3.3.x, then please fallow additional update instructions described at the end of this post: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.co...-released.html
No additional steps in other cases.