This course text is written in Greek At first I had seen the syngekrimeni upgrade to vBulletin I had no particular feeling, making the installation 2chch all members of our forum were thrilled! Suddenly out of nowhere started to appear and users from other countries and are sure that this was due to upgrade! The only problem is (and is certainly a problem in my forum because I have installed many upgrades and programs / plugins, but maybe the server hosting the page) is the slow speed and the sheer volume of data in the daily backup that automatically forum . Naturally turned off caching and 1,2 Gbytes did backup the system daily (aferesa and images from being in the database) the size of the daily backup dropped to around 360 Mbytes. Now I disabled the cache and I have only 4 main languages can choose the members of the forum. So I wait anxiously for 2 things. Issue which has improved the issue of temporary storage, and of course soon to be going to change the site hosting the page. When okoklirothei version 3x and when the speed of my forum risen to levels that are here are certain that the movement members and visitors to the forum will double and perhaps triple the specific upgrade. Thank Nektarios Zogkos
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