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Thread: Auto translated pages vs google content guidelines

  1. #21
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MOGmartin View Post
    Here is the updated traffic stats.

    @hilinebuilders here is the updated graph. Also seen the same... on Twitpic3

    FYI: I also have sites powered by wp-robot in wordpress that use the google translate API. They have also been hit at the same time and lost 100% of their traffic.
    Kind of stupid question - where you can put this filters in analytics? I just made fast check and didn't find it - you already know where so I would like to safe some time for looking

    We are on it and checking it. It seems to be individual - some forums see such tendency some not. At this time we are not able to determine what is the reason. Just in case for enyone who has such issue - please make sure that you didn't block all translated pages in robots.txt

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by vBET View Post
    Kind of stupid question - where you can put this filters in analytics?
    no probs michal,

    its: CONTENT -> Top Landing pages
    FILTER: Pages containing this string:


    Updated picture with recent stats, and you can see in the left column where the report is:

    Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter

    Quote Originally Posted by vBET View Post
    please make sure that you didn't block all translated pages in robots.txt
    FYI - I didn't block traffic in any way

    I do NOT beleive that the vbet plugin is broken. It still does EXACTLY what its advertised as - people can still use the translated pages 100%.

    The ONLY issue is that google have stopped sending traffic to these translated pages. As its damn hard to footprint a translated page if its a good translation, I suggested that you incorporate the yahoo translate API.

    I would bet good money that this will make it much harder for google to filter out of the index.

    I am NOT SAYING THESE PAGES ARE DE-INDEXED.... They just are not returned in the search results when they used to be.

  3. #23
    Senior Member
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    Thanks for providing some insight MOGmartin. I'm seeing a drop in vBET translated pages as well, but it is not nearly as dramatic as yours. The difference is around 25% from the previous week. (March 26 - April 1st vs April 2 - April 8)

  4. #24
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivan View Post
    I will send you detail information via PM in next serveral days...

    Please look this article:
    At this moment we do not see your license - please PM license details ASAP. If you are not licensed user, then you do not have paid vBET version. Please send license information.

    About the link - it is again recommendation to disable weak automatic translations which can be not understood by human.
    We recommend that you do not allow automated translations to get indexed. Automated translations don’t always make sense and they could potentially be viewed as spam. More importantly, the point of making a multilingual website is to reach a larger audience by providing valuable content in several languages. If your users can’t understand an automated translation or if it feels artificial to them, you should ask yourself whether you really want to present this kind of content to them.
    Google translations are very good and human readable, so there is no issue with those. So what to make it clear - it recommends to disable ONLY translations which can be not understood by human. We are providing support for people writing in different languages and translations are really good. So this is NOT about Google translations provided by vBET.

    I think that in panic and without detailed reading of Google statements we have here lot of misunderstandings. So to make it clear:
    1. Translations are OK for Google
    2. Google do not like weak automatic translations which are not human readable
    3. Having even weak automatic translations is not prohibited, but only not recommended
    4. High value automatic translations are OK for Google
    5. vBET provides Google translations which have very good quality and are human readable
    Last edited by vBET; 17-04-11 at 19:29.

  5. #25
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MOGmartin View Post
    no probs michal,

    its: CONTENT -> Top Landing pages
    FILTER: Pages containing this string:



    I am NOT SAYING THESE PAGES ARE DE-INDEXED.... They just are not returned in the search results when they used to be.
    Thanks I will play with it and check some of our forums.

    About re state - as I show you here Google returns your page in search results. I think that you can have less searching entries because of changes in index position, but definitively your pages are still in index and are returned in search results.

    We will make some own investigations - also appreciate your future input if you find out something more about situation of your forum in Google index.

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