It is not best idea to made reinstalls when support is on your board...
Also I find out that this is an issue with vBSEO configuration. The patterns which you have for thread will not allow for foreign signs:
'VBSEO_URL_THREAD' => '(\d+)-([a-z\._\-ŠŽšžźŔÁÂĂÄĹÇČÉĘËĚÍÎĎŃŇÓÔŐÖŘŮÚŰÜÝŕáâăäĺçčéęëěíîďńňóôőöřůúűüý˙µA-Z\d-]+)\.html',
it should be something like this:
'VBSEO_URL_THREAD' => '([^/]+)/(\d+)-([^/]+)\.html',
But DO NOT change it manually. Such pattern is in many places in vBSEO configuration. Please PM me access details to your vBSEO CP and I will find out which configuration parameter is responsible for this.