still having an issue with this - anyone?
still having an issue with this - anyone?
I would really appreciate a response to this
hello, I need to ask Michał about this issue because I have no ideas yet.
any ideas yet?
Please make a very long post on the foreign language and check that it still not work (translation).
url from your post is not working now, so I can check it now again.
Google may not always detected the language for the very short message (maybe misspelling) so you need to check that your message is between [B][lang=[/B] tags. (this tags are adding in newpost_process hook)
so, try to test it for long message in foreign language.
h t c is being filtered by this board - the full url is t c/t327487-tono-de-llamada.html (without spaces)
please answer me - whitch option you have setted in admincp->vBET->google->Google Language Detection.
write here a Google Language Detection Confidence value
This is set to "Always trust user"
I'm pretty sure that this is not the issue, however - it has directly to do with the execution order of the vbulletin API plugin which is used for the new mobile applications interfering with the plugin that inserts lang tags into a post.
Always trust user This option is based on the settings of the user who is typing a message. So google can recognize the message language by user settings. If user have his language not set - google can't translate it.
If user will make a message in language other that in his admincp - google still can't translate it.
This option is for Optimizations and if this option is enabled - language tags will not be added.
Please go to your admincp->vBET->google and
1. set Google Language Detection to Trust Google when result is trust worthy
2. set Google Language Detection Confidence to 0.1
3. test it! (make a new message)
Should works good.
IMPORTANT - you need to pack old posts in lang tags by hand.