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Thread: Google has removed all indexed translated pages

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by pepito69 View Post
    The problem is not robots.txt
    Thanks for your advice but the problem is only in trasnlated ones not on main forum. But i will simplify the robots...
    Thanks again but this mistery stills on.
    I am curious to know also

    as I am sure those who run free/paid versions would
    also be concerned/worried that they could be deindexed also.

    So the question is:

    Was this your fault, or googles fault.

    How old is your domain?

  2. #12


    my domain is 4 years old. And never had a problem before with google.
    I have to say that i had a lot of URL indexed in translated languages. More than vbet forum and other i have seen.
    Last edited by pepito69; 05-03-11 at 11:10.

  3. #13


    I uninstalled vbet mod, will delete every rule relationed to vbet, wait 4 days and reinstall it from zero.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by pepito69 View Post
    I uninstalled vbet mod, will delete every rule relationed to vbet, wait 4 days and reinstall it from zero.
    I am not sure if that is going to help, so everytime you see some
    happened you are just going to uninstall, and start over?

    Google seems to have serious issues with others getting ahead of
    anything, and everytime something appears to be good, then
    google dumps all over you, google pretty much controls our destinty,
    and google has not been known to play fair pretty
    much controls the internet, what happens on the intenet, and
    what they want to see happen on the internet, but I am not an expert,
    but I hear the same ole stories...I have a hot website, now all of
    a sudden google does not show me love anymore...and domains
    that were stars and getting traffic, turn out to get very little...

    My domain is very, very was down like 2 days, and I lost
    about 70 backlinks, I am not sure if that was already coming, or
    did I lose those backlinks because I was down for 2 days, and
    with my site being so new, why am I getting fast backlinks anyway?

    Google is strange, but they are not here to help, they
    are here to make money, and help themselves first....

    and sometimes, even the smallest site change can take you out....since most of us
    do not really know how the system works, then we make a minor site change, then we start
    losing tons of traffic, and our first thought is to blame google.
    Last edited by dsimms; 05-03-11 at 18:51.

  5. #15


    i will tell you in few weeks ,i have too much time... thanks anyway.
    There is a possibility to be my fault, i have to discover it.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by pepito69 View Post
    i will tell you in few weeks ,i have too much time... thanks anyway.
    There is a possibility to be my fault, i have to discover it.
    as i mentioned before my site is very new. it has peaked about
    1400 links in just about two weeks then stopped. I am not sure
    what is going on now, it seems to be losing like 20-50 links per
    day now, so I am not sure what it is at fault, hopefully it is not
    vbet, but who knows at this point. I have disabled a mod that has
    been suspected of being black hat, so I hope that it is the problem,
    now that I have disabled the mod it make day a few days/weeks
    to find out if my links stop dropping and start increasing again, but
    then again it may be nothing at all but sandbox, or google dance....
    but with the case of a 4 year old site, you should not be sandboxed.

    How do you know that just vbet links are being removed?

  7. #17


    How do you know that just vbet links are being removed?
    Easy, just type in google search

    The changes in the number of links indexed by google is due to probably, different google servers, they are not indexing the same number of URL, and there are more than 50 servers.

    everytime you do:
    it connects to a single google server.

  8. #18
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pepito69 View Post
    but i think that google don't like automatic content as they say in webmaster guide. Google is moving against that in my opinion. Hope to be wrong because Vbet, could be a wonderfull mod despite it well known problems and limitations.
    Look, i had thousends of URL indexed in translated versions and now nothing!
    Please tell us where in webmaster tools is written that Google doesn't like translated sites?... Also here content is NOT automatic - translation is automatic - the content is authentic from your very threads written by your very users.
    Google is not against translated context - the proof is lot of forums using vBET and being indexed. You can simply check it in example on our site. If Google was against it then we wouldn't be indexed. Even this very thread which is new is already indexed in other languages (I checked for Polish) what easily proofs that Google is indexing translated pages.

    So this is your issue not general one.

    At this moment vBET is not working on your forum - so we are not able to work on your issue nor give you any other hint that - please turn on vBET. Whatever was the reason of your issue, by turning off vBET you made it permanent. You will never have indexed translated pages if you will not have translated pages on your forum. As I wrote - we do not know now what was the reason. It could be even something temporary on Google side what could get back as it was without any changes. Maybe... Now it is not the issue anymore - now you have no vBET so at this moment it is normal thing that you do not have indexed translated pages - because now you do not have translated pages. Please first turn vBET on.

  9. #19
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    I'm checking the thread from beginning so sorry is fomething was already written. I checked your robots.txt and I saw there wird content like:
    Disallow: /forums/pt/*mode
    As I know robots.txt do not support wildcards like * - this could be the part of the problem. It shouldn’t, because it should say that links with exact URL beginning: /forums/pt/*mode shouldn’t be indexed, but maybe something changes in Google robots and now they do not enter any links starting by: /forums/pt/ (in example because * signs are not allowed and URL reading stops at this sign giving you not allowed for indexing all your translated pages). That would be some explanation of your situation since I see rules like that for all your languages.

    Once again it shouldn't be the reason here, but other way you shouldn't use * signs in disallow rules, so maybe it has something common with your issue. Please remove/comment those rules.

    Also check what webmaster tools is telling you about link which was blocked by robots.txt. Of course now - because you disabled vBET - we can have wrong webmaster tools analyze, because translated links do not exists anymore on your forum. So once again - first turn on vBET, after that at this moment we need to wait, because webmaster tools do not show actual data - historical (and never knows when it is updated). So first turn vBET. Then if in 2 weeks nothing changes we will investigate is more. It would be easier if vBET would be all the time turned on, now we will have additional thing - Google reaction time...
    Last edited by vBET; 06-03-11 at 22:56.

  10. #20
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pepito69 View Post
    The problem is not robots.txt
    Thanks for your advice but the problem is only in trasnlated ones not on main forum. But i will simplify the robots...
    Thanks again but this mistery stills on.
    robots.txt still not simplified and it IS potential issue maker. And if you read my previous post here you will see potential explanation why only translated pages was not indexed because of your robots.txt - potential - I cannot definitively say that it was the issue maker, but you also shouldn't definitively say that it is not, especially that you have there illegal statements.

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