You said you can change your default language from UserCP? Where?
Plus. you said version 3.0 will enable us to write in different languages? Does this mean we write in English and the thread/post will be translated in our desired language or will the text (we're keying in the post) show in different languages?
I hope that makes sense and roughly when do you expect it'll be released?
Write in different languages means 2 things. 1 you can just write in your default language and mod will translate it to anybody no matter what your default language is. 2. You can set parts of message in different languages.
About release date... Still working on some issues. Have very long new things to do, but those will wait for nest major release. So right now I want to have nice working this functionality which is already described. This forum will play as another test area for a while.
Also before it will be officially released, beta version will be available for (usernames from imported_silkroad, Megatr0n, KrisP, nectons, CareyCrew, ghisirds, vitoreis, dai-kun, cyc , mosz, CThiessen, actolearn, jaconi, andie215, yahoooh, bollie, chick
I think that they get it at least 2 weeks earlier, or maybe 1 month. So they will get another advantage for supporting this project Also - this will be good to assure really stable and bug free official release
No in this way. You tell mod in which language you are writhing. You can tell it setting your default language, or using lang bbcode manually. If you write something in English and tell that it is Arabic it will not became Arabic.
To do what you want you just write in English and go to Arabic translation. Then you will get it in Arabic
No in this way. You tell mod in which language you are writhing. You can tell it setting your default language, or using lang bbcode manually. If you write something in English and tell that it is Arabic it will not became Arabic.
To do what you want you just write in English and go to Arabic translation. Then you will get it in Arabic
Do you think you can install something like this later on?
Right now he can read in one language and write in other. If someone set his default language, then writing message he will see under editor 2 options - one telling that he is writing in his default language, and 2nd to choose to write in forum language.
In 2nd setting user really can write in what language he wants by setting language BBCode manually. But for most users it is enough to know that mod by default will mark their posts as written in their default languages, or they can choose for specific message to not mark it automatically - they are writing in forum language.
Also please note that default user language, does NOT means his native language. It means language in which he wants to write his messages. So if someone want to write in some language he has to set this language as his default - the language he wants to write.