I saw a warning in google webmaster tools that my urls are too many. so i made up a robots.txt to stop all translated pages from indexed . Is there any way i can have ONLY the translated TAG pages since they have the most important keywords ?
I saw a warning in google webmaster tools that my urls are too many. so i made up a robots.txt to stop all translated pages from indexed . Is there any way i can have ONLY the translated TAG pages since they have the most important keywords ?
Right, try to use robots.txt file - should help.
About tags - can you explain it better because now I don't understand.
ι have blocked all /forum/en /forum/de etc from robots txt
but i want to index only the tag pages for all translations. how to do this with robots.txt
ok I understand now, so I will try to find some information about this robots.txt
If you will block all translated pages by robots.txt file and add in your meta tag for example: <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> in your header?
here you have all examples how to use meta tags with robots.
Last edited by kamilkurczak; 08-02-11 at 14:39.
NO i want to block all forum translations ex /forum/de
but to ALLOW indexing of ALL translated tag pages /forum/de/tags
i want only the tags being indexed for translations nothing else
Please notice that if you block pages for example forum/ja/ you also block the all urls with forum/ja/ inside.
Try to use a meta tag