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Thread: Phrases that not get Translations

  1. #1

    Default Phrases that not get Translations

    Text automatically translated from: Hebrew to: English
    Translated text
    There are some expressions that are translation with Vbet
    I am attaching screen shots would be more convenient to understand what and where they belong

    Attached pictures of "response" and "rapid response"
    Same problem is also sending a new topic
    Original text

  2. #2
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Thanks for info, we will investigate this.

    Also please note that at this moment vBET do not support translation of button name. It is because BET translates only text between tags, no attributes values.

    vBET has configuration parameter which allows to translate alt for img tags. Probably we will add also possibility to translate title attribute from links. With button made as input field with type submit or reset it is harder, because there is used attribute attribute value and such attribute is used also for other cases which cannot be translated (like for data from form). So translation here would require complex regular expression which we want to avoid because of performance.

    We will check all places which you pointed and check which is a bug and which is just not supported in this version. As I see first pointed place should be translated since it is just a text. We will check it

  3. #3


    Text automatically translated from: Hebrew to: English
    Translated text
    As you can see the pictures, the system translates the buttons, only there are some that are not translated, so it could be that the problem is localized
    Original text

  4. #4
    Michał Podbielski (vBET Staff) vBET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    As I explained vBET do not translates buttons made by input HTML tag. This is not supported in this version. On pictures you cannot see that button is translated. You can see it only in HTML output. Because on picture you do not see is it button HTML tag, which has its description as text and which will be translated; or is is input HTML tag with submit or reset type which will not be translated, because it is not supported now; or it is not a button at all, just some area with different background and link inside (what is used a lot in vB4 everywhere where forms are not used). You can check it yourself looking into HTML output, but you cannot tell it looking on pictures.

    So just as I wrote before - we will check it and tell you where it is a bug and where it is just not supported now.

  5. #5
    vBulletin Enterprise Translator (vBET) Staff
    Join Date
    May 2010


    1. button in Topic View Options - not translated because as Michał wrote in his previous post - the name of this button is a value.
    for example - from your site source:
    HTML Code:
    <input type="submit" class="button" value="הראה נושאים" />
    2.Why quick navigation is translated? look into code from your site source:
    HTML Code:
    <span class="shade">Quick Navigation</span>
    		<a href="/vb407/en/forumdisplay.php?1-Main-category" class="popupctrl"><span class="ctrlcontainer">Main Category</span></a>
    		<a href="/vb407/en/forumdisplay.php?1-Category-g%C5%82%C3%B3wna#top" class="textcontrol" onclick="document.location.hash='top';return false;">Top</a>
    as you see, the name of button is between
    HTML Code:
    <span class="ctrlcontainer">Main Category</span>
    tags - not a value - so this is translated.

    3. Reply, Management Tool, Main Forum, Top - translated. why? just look to the second point.

    4. Post Quick reply and Go Advanced -> name of the button as value - not translated


    What about Go to last post? this shuld be a button (like on page without translation) but here you have only a text.
    This text (לך להודעה האחרונה) is here: (from your sorce)
    <img src="" alt="לך להודעה האחרונה" />
    and this is a "alt" value and translation of alt value is supported by vBET. to enable it just go to your admincp->vBET->Misc->Translate 'alt' attributes and set to "yes".

    But there should be an image. As you see here: (from your site source)
    <img src="" alt="לך להודעה האחרונה" />
    the root to the image is correct. So go to this folder: images/buttons/ and try to find this image: lastpost-left.png.
    Last edited by kamilkurczak; 02-11-10 at 10:36.

  6. #6


    Text automatically translated from: Hebrew to: English
    Translated text
    Lastpost-left.png file exists on server
    Anyway I understand what you mean
    Hope your upgrade Meg below these parts work
    Original text
    Last edited by dacho; 02-11-10 at 10:40.

  7. #7
    vBulletin Enterprise Translator (vBET) Staff
    Join Date
    May 2010


    sorry, after translation should be this one:
    lastpost-right.png so try to find this one

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