Originally Posted by
If you pass the "Flags Place" to another location (not a custom location)
Accept the position we set the {vb: raw vbenterprisetranslatorflags} tag and the location of Vbet
In short, the flags appear twice
If you use a fleg location not custom (for example: navbar-bottom) this tag - {vb: raw vbenterprisetranslatorflags} is automatically included, so If you pasted this tag in to template by hand and set this option - not custom. you will have your flags included twice. So if you use flag location other than custom - just delete this tag from template.
sub designs: you mean that for example on main forum you use sthe style 1 and on another part of forum you use style 2? if yes - you should edited templates with the same name in style 1 and style 2.
There is a problem changing the design flags location
If you put the code {vb: raw vbenterprisetranslatorflags} and choose the "Flags Place" as a custom ********** And direct the "Custom flags template" to the name of template where you want to add flags manually
Get nothing!!
Can you paste here the name of this template? I would like to test it on my test forum.