No the CSS style is all messed up still - the main page is fine but every page after that is messed up but only in English ? Other languages are good ? That is weird
No the CSS style is all messed up still - the main page is fine but every page after that is messed up but only in English ? Other languages are good ? That is weird
yes i see it but if you disable vBET is still bad. If you translate the page - everything is ok so this is not vBET issue.
If you disable vBSEO - everything is good - you can try it.
So this is vBSEO issue. I cant help you because vBET is working good (after translation everything is ok)
I noticed that - if you disable vBSEO - style ok, if you enable vBSEO again- style are ok still, so maybe cache? (try it yourself - go to page with bad style, disable vBSEO, refresh page, enable vBSEO again). If you use cache - try to clear it
AS I wrote before - this is not vBET issue
Last edited by kamilkurczak; 22-10-10 at 20:02.