wanneer u verandering vbet cache naar externe db, de scripts die gegevens uit PhotoPost database (dit is de standaard vb db) te halen gaan ervan uit dat pp is in vbet db. ALLEEN in vb externe db, misschien vbet heeft niets te maken met haar en ik nodig zou kunnen hebben op de lijn te bewerken boven in de scripts altijd denken aan de vb db.
Warning: mysql_fetch_row (): geleverd argument is geen geldig MySQL resultaat resource in / home / ... / public_html / albums / inc_features_cmps.php on line 67
Table 'xxx_vbet.pp_photos' bestaat niet
PHP Code:
// If you have placed PhotoPost into a seperate database, you will need to
// uncomment these lines to connect to the PhotoPost database. It is suggested
// that you install PP into the same database as vB for better performance.
// If you use the same userid/password to access both databases, you don't need to
// uncomment the mysql_connect - this is only if you require different ids to access
// the PhotoPost database.
//$link = mysql_connect ("localhost", "$dbuserid", "$dbuserpassword") or die('I cannot connect to the database.');
//mysql_select_db ("pp_database")or die("Could not select photopost database");
// Number of photos to display
$num_display = 5;